As a joint initiative by activists from the US and Germany, we have launched an appeal calling on the governments of all countries to abide by the principles of the United Nations Charter. Rescue International Law!
Many organizations and individuals have signed the appeal.
We, the undersigned, demand of our governments in their interactions with all nations – for the sake of world peace, international security and the peaceful co-existence of all peoples – to respect the principles of the United Nations Charter, and to follow and defend international law. We urge them to immediately join this initiative and help redirect the world toward an era of global stability and cooperation.
read the appeal here:
The complete list of the signatories here:
Please join also in signing and spreading the appeal from April 2018. LINK HERE
A Call for International Solidarity!
Stop the Coup Against Venezuela!
We hereby express our categorical condemnation of the attempt to overthrow the legitimately elected government and president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.
The world is at a critical turning point. The destructive Western policy of unilateral military interventions, illegal regime change and economic sanctions increases the danger of global military escalation.
The coordinated efforts of the reactionary right-wing opposition in Venezuela in collaboration with the US government, the European Union, the Organization of American States (OAS) and several Latin American governments are a clear attempt to openly intervene in the country’s internal affairs.
The self proclaimed „interim president“ in the person of Juan Guaidó, and the sequence of events represent a dangerous escalation of the US, EU, and NATO imperialist plans in the region.
Representatives of the Trump administration are now openly discussing the possibility of „military action“ and condemning Venezuela, along with Cuba and Nicaragua, as part of a „Troika of Tyranny“.
We also condemn the economic sanctions on the part of the USA and other countries, which have aggravated the situation in Venezuela, and are blocking the means by which the government could escape its grave economic situation. Moreover, oil production in the country also fell dramatically due to low global oil prices, further escalating the economic crisis.
The aggressive policy of sanctions by Western states against demonized governments is a long tradition. Examples are Iraq, Iran, Libya, Cuba, North Korea, Syria and Russia.
We hereby declare our solidarity with the Venezuelan people in their struggle for the sovereignty of their country. In the interests of Venezuela, the region and the principle of national sovereignty, international actors should consider supporting negotiations between the Venezuelan government and its opponents. Even taking into account dissident voices, any attempts to topple the elected government of Venezuela must be firmly rejected.
The time has come to unite against this threat to humanity. Respect for the principles of sovereignty, self-determination, non-interventionism and social justice must be restored, and compliance with international law must be a top priority. We must be united in voice and action.
We also refer you to our April 2018 Declaration for International Solidarity with all nations that stand for Peace & Diplomacy, which has been signed by numerous individuals and organizations.
To also endorse the appeal Stop the Coup Against Venezuela please use the E-mail form below to sign
or send directly to
We are supporting the appeal Stop the Coup Against Venezuela:
Heinrich Buecker, Berlin WBW, Coop Anti-War Cafe Berlin
Albert Leger, Berlin, Aufstehen Anti-War Cafe, Germany
Roger Waters, co-founder of Pink Floyd, New York, USA
Dr. Nancy Larenas Ojeda, “Patria Grande Berlin”, Coordinador Alemania PC Chile
Laura von Wimmersperg, Moderatorin der Berliner Friedenskoordination
Arianna Carciofo, Lehrerin, Berlin / Bologna, Germany
U.S. Peace Council, Alfred L. Marder, President, Connecticut, USA
Victor Grossman. Berlin, Germany berlinbulletin
Medea Benjamin, Co-founder of CODEPINK, USA
Matthias Roeingh, Techno-DJ, Musiker, Berlin
Kota Maeda, Berlin, Tokyo, Musician
Cynthia McKinney, human rights activist, politician, Atlanta, USA
Dr. Alexander S. Neu, Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages, Fraktion DIE LINKE
Annette Groth, ehem. Bundestagsabgeordnete, DIE LINKE. Stuttgart
Reinhold Riedel, Kreisrat, Fraktion DIE LINKE, Esslingen
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Bruce K. Gagnon, USA
Alice Slater, New York NY, USA
Ralph Niemeyer, Journalist, Schwäbisch Gmünd
Frank Dorrel, Anti-War Peace Activist, Culver City, California, USA
Elizabeth Murray, former Deputy National Intelligence Officer, National Intelligence Council (ret.), USA
Michel Chossudovsky, Prof. emeritus, Dir., Centre for Research on Globalization, Canada
Frente Antiimperialista Internacionalista (Spain), Manuel Pardo, First Secretary
Wolfgang Penzholz, Author, Berlin, Germany
Tilo Gräser, Journalist, Berlin
Bündnis für Soziale Gerechtigkeit und Menschenwürde e. V. (BüSGM), Gert Julius, Vorsitzender
Gar Smith, director, Environmentalists Against War
Werner Ruf, Professor i. R., Edermuende
Anja und Bernd Mewes, Friedensglockengesellschaft Berlin e.V., Germany
Enrico Vigna, Speaker Center Initiatives for Truth & Justice & Belgrade Forum Italy
Fulvio Grimaldi, Rome, journalist documentary film maker
Comitato No Nato, Italia
Prof. Dr. Andreas Dress, Director DCG, Shanghai, China
Marinella Correggia, author, journalist, member No War Network, Torri in Sabina (Ri), Italy
Paolo D’Arpini, presidente Circolo VV.TT. e coordinatore Rete Bioregionale Italiana Website
Doris und George Pumphrey, Friedensaktivisten, Berlin
Kai Ehlers, Publizist, Hamburg
Katharina Féaux de Lacroix, IPPNW, Köln Germany
Brigitte Queck, Dipl. Staatswiss. Außenpolitik, Potsdam, BRD
Coleen Rowley, retired FBI agent and former Minneapolis Division Legal Counsel, USA
Philip M. Giraldi, former CIA operations officer, USA
Women Against War, peace activist organization in Albany, New York, USA
Atomwaffenfreies Europa e. V., Irene Eckert, Potsdam
Todd E. Pierce, Major, retired U.S. Army Judge Advocate, USA
Dr. Angelika Haas, Berlin, Germany
Mima Kang, Seoul, peace activist, artist, Seoul, South Korea
Junghyun Yoo, peace activist, artist, Seoul, South Korea
Ekkehard Lentz, Sprecher Bremer Friedensforum Website
Elke Zwinge-Makamizile, Berlin, Germany
Bernd Duschner, Pfaffenhofen, Vorsitzender „Freundschaft mit Valjevo e.V“
Klaus von Raussendorff, Publizist, Bonn
Victor Degiovanni, Senglea, Malta, Chair of Communist Party of Malta
Joachim Guilliard, Heidelberger Forum gegen Militarismus und Krieg
Angelika Becker, Vorsitzende des Netzwerk Cuba e.V., Stuttgart
Heinz Eckel, Soziologe u. Arzt, i.R., Berlin
Dr. Amir Mortasawi, Arzt und Autor, Rotenburg a.d. Fulda amirmortasawi.wordpress
Darnell Stephen Summers, Berlin, Stop the War Brigade
Frieder Wagner, Journalist, Köln
Christian Olesch, Berlin, Germany
Ana Barbara von Keitz, Keramikerin, Germany Berliner Arbeitskreises Uran-Munition
Susanne, Ute, Christine Breitenbach,, Berlin
Rudi Denner, Pressesprecher Ostdeutsche Kuratorium von Verbänden e.V., Berlin
Daniel Palloks, Berlin, Germany
Manni Engelhardt, AK-Koordinator, Aachen
June Kelly, Independent Researcher – Global Affairs, Mullingar, Ireland
John Kelly, Retired Journalist/Broadcaster, Mullingar, Ireland
Mathilde Furtner, Berlin
Gino Carpentiero – Associazione Medicina Democratica ONLUS – Firenze (Florence) – Italy
Kaspar Trümpy, ehemal. Ingenieur, Solothurn
Klaus Linder, Freidenker Berlin
Claudio Patrizi, AmbienteWeb – Pacifismo, Diritti, Libera Comunicazione Rome, Italy
Frank Lockwood, Washington State, USA
Margaret Wiggin, Clark Fork, USA
Donald Jordan, University lecturer, Helsinki, Finland
Oren Glick, Portland, Oregon, USA
Johanna Vanicek, Vaals, Niederlande
L. Geraghty, Boise, Idaho, USA
Dr. Leo Semashko, Sociologist, State Councillor St. Petersburg, Russia
Sipila Heikki, Helsinki, Finland
Kyoko Tanaka, Berlin, Germany
Arunagiri Apeetha, Writer, Melbourne, Australia
Knut Wehr, Wain, Germany
Reto Thumiger, Redakteur Pressenza Berlin, Germany
Peter Schaller, Oettingen / Bayern, Germany
Jutta Wunderlich, Berlin, Germany
Hugo Beuttler, Bernau, Brandenburg, Germany
Reinhold Woditsch, Salach, Germany
Christiane Debrabant, Montreux, Switzerland
Gue Schmidt, Vienna, Austria
J. Michael Springmann, Attorney, Washington DC, USA
Kim Soobok, Financing, Teaneck, NJ, USA
Bernie Trappmann, Noonamah, Australia
Sarah Lanzman, Dyke, Virginia, USA
Gitta Kleine, München, Bayern, Germany
Herbert Rubisch, Rentner, Berlin, Germany
Alant Jost, Berlin, Canada/Germany
Dr. Joachim Elz-Fianda, Arzt, Nördlingen, Germany
Helmut Semmelmann, Berlin, Germany
Karl Butzer, Dinkelsbühl, Germany
Joachim Bonatz, Stv. Vorsitzender ISOR e.V., Berlin, Germany
Andreas Kahl, Case Manager, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany
Ronald Reinwart, Rentner, Deutschneudorf, Germany
Dr. Ines Lehmann, Pol. Wissenschaft, Berlin, Germany
Viktor Durnick, Rentner, Berlin, Germany
Franz Steinberger, Burghausen, Germany
Klaus-Detlef Haas, Berlin, Germany
Helmut Haas, Aalen, Germany
Eberhard und Annelies Roloff, Rentner / Ärztin, Berlin, Germany
Tim Nolan, Investigative Reporter, Saint Paul, MN, USA WorldPeaceBlog
James Walter, Vienna, Austria
Robert Wing, former US Foreign Service Officer, USA
Alba Malta North Africa Coordination, Tunis, Tunesia web
Alexander Kosyrev, Berlin, Germany
Josef Schönherr, Bayern , Germany
Adi Golbach, Rentner / selbständig, Werder, Germany
Stephania Weigmann, Berlin, Germany
Else Tonke, Großmutter gegen den Krieg, Berlin, Germany
Jochen Scholz, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Andreas Bräutigam, Dipl-.Ing., Berlin, Germany
Alyette Ozoux, Lyon, France
Gabriele Jäger, Friedensaktivistin, Berlin, Germany
Ingrid Koschmieder, Berlin, Germany
Dietrich Eichmann, Lehrer, Coswig, Germany
Petra Lehmann, Thyrow, Germany
Lieselotte Kirstein-Mätzold, Trainer for Non-Violent Communication, Hannover, Germany
Bernie Eisenberg, Los Angeles, California, USA
Shu Eui Ok, Heilpraktikerin, Berlin, Germany
Cornelia Praetorius, Berlin, Germany
Olaf Mödinger, Heidelberg, Germany
Marianne Schweinesbein, Nürnberg, Mittelfranken, Germany
Joseph Hancock, Journalist, Hollywood CA, USA
Rev Ruby Susan Warren, Asheville, NC, USA
Hans-Ulrich Bünger, Freudenstadt, Germany
Manfred Braun, Brühl, Germany
Hans-Joachim Kahlke, Rentner, Heidelberg, Germany
Dr. Gerhard Lotze, Heidelberg, Germany
Dr. Edgar Göll, Future researcher, Berlin, Germany
Wübke Sanders, Betriebsrätin/Lehrerin, Heidelberg, Germany
Claudia Karas, AG Palästina/Frankfurt
Frank Scott, writer, Pt. Richmond, California, USA
Joachim Gruber, Physiker, Ankershagen, Germany
Carola Ludwig, Berlin, Germany
Heidi Flassak, Heidelberg, Germany
Walter Friedmann, Bühl, Germany
Frank Fischer, Rentner, Berlin, Germany
Tatjana Miriam Hasse, Lehrerin, Heidelberg, Germany
Irmgard Weismann, Baden-Baden, Germany
Ursula Brümann, Berlin, Germany
Magdalena Melter, Dozentin für Russisch, Heidelberg, Germany
Irma Böttcher, Rentnerin, Guben, Germany
Monika Kremmer, Lehrerin, Berlin, Germany
Marie Hanulak, Berlin, Germany
Ulrich Lenz, Katzenelnbogen, Germany
Dieter Becker, Schriftführer, Ostdeutsches Kuratorium von Verbänden e.V.
Jim Bearden, Camp Connell, CA, USA
Wulcan Eirikur Gudjonsson, Berlin, Germany
Diani Barreto, Berlin, Germany
Erich Fankhauser, Peace through Culture, Niederlenz, Switzerland
Kristine Karch, Düsseldorf, Germany
Ulla Klötzer, Espoo, Finland
Federico Nier-Fischer, free lance Journalist, Vienna, Austria
Peter Kelly, Health and Safety/Accountant, Cork, Ireland
Mechthild Meyer, Developer, Neckarsteinach, Germany
Helga Hörning, Berlin, Germany
Ute Hitschler, Nurse, Neckargemünd, Germany
Olga Lübcke, Warmsen, Brüninghorstedt, Germany
Shirley Stachowski, Berlin, Germany
Hartmut Drewes, Pastor i.R., Bremen, Germany
Clemens Maronn, Riedstadt, Germany
Jürgen Suttner, Handzuginstrumentenmache, Siegen, Germany
Helmut Holfert, Berlin, Germany
Elli Alt, Berlin, Germany
Barbara Heller, Bremen, Germany
Birgit Mahnkopf, Professorin i. R., Berlin, Germany
Gerda Altvater-Kremer, Ärztin, Rosengarten, Germany
Dietrich Antelmann, Diplomkameralist, Berlin, Germany
Andrea Trautmann, Rentnerin, Berlin, Germany
Patty Call, Crestwood, KY, USA
Mahra Salem Alqassimi, Ras al-Khaimah, United Arab Emirates
Frances Foulkrod, Erdenheim, Germany
Yohann Chevallier, Langueux, France
Uwe Thomas, Berlin, Germany
Ursula Mathern, Merxheim, Germany
Wolf Göhring, Retired (Mathematician), Bonn, Germany
Jakobine Engel, Filmemacherin, Berlin, Germany
Karen Dip, Cleveland, USA
Joannes K. Werner, #Aufstehen Berlin, Germany
James Kinner, Retired, La Center, WA, USA
Gesine Koeltzsch, Berlin, Germany
Bradley Tyler, Toronto, Canada
Simon Wood, Educator, Coffs Harbour, Australia si4abetterworld
Lana Kitchel, Organic Family Farmer, Los Molinos, USA
Mickie Lynn, Delmar, NY, USA
Gregor Böckermann, Neu-Isenburg, Germany
Thia Sawyer, teacher, Nice, France
Troy Campbell, Liberty Township, USA
Hilda J Richey, Wisconsin, USA
Miriam Rieger, Löhne
Johanna Leichtfuß, Sierksdorf
Gerald Böhm, Rentner, Leipzig
Brigitte Streicher, Dortmund
Raphael Müller, Paderborn
Martin Schreiber, Hodenhagen
Sima Kassaie-Van Ooyen, Frankfurt
Elias Davidsson, Kirchen (Sieg), Autor und Menschenrechtler
Andreas Maluga, Vorsitzender DDR-Kabinett-Bochum e.V. Bochum
Stefan Kytzia, Offenbach, Germany
Antonie Brinkmann, Bremen, Germany
Walther Braun, Bonn, Germany
Berthold Wahlich, Münster, Germany
Friedrich Brachmann, Dresden, Germany
Samira Schäfer, Künstlerin, Berlin, Germany Web
Samira Jouini, Bonn, Germany
Juliane Baxmann, Paderborn, Germany
Gabriele Braun, Berlin, Germany
Hilda Richey, Hillsboro, WI, USA
Laura Macdonald, Bristol, UK
Manuel Pardo, Military, retired, Madrid
Arlene Chávez, Bronx, USA
CC Gambeex, Cook Artist filmmaker, Berlin, Germany
Paulette Notthlake, USA
Mark Stewart, Lake Geneva, USA
Rita Suermondt, Pensionärin, Krefeld, Germany
Phil Runkel, Archivist, Waukesha, WI, USA
Samy Yildirim, Zaandam, Niederlande
Brad Geyer, Madison, USA
Jürgen Rumstig, Schaafheim, Germany
Anneliese Wolf, Agnesienberg, Germany
Jochen Zietlow, OStR i. R., Offenbach, Germany
Doris Brehm, Heidelberg, Germany
Artur Rümmler, Schriftsteller, Darmstadt, Germany
Daniel Pérez Martínez, Marburg, Germany
Ewald Ressel, Bietigheim-Biss., Germany
Karin Wedel, Rentnerin, Würzburg, Germany
Silvia Albu-Stanescu, Berlin, Germany
Herbert Steffes, Eschborn
Edith Fröse, emeritierte Gewerkschaftssekretärin, Duisburg, Germany
Harald Römer, Staufenberg, Germany
Christiane Türke, Lehrerin, Bad Salzuflen, Germany
Tomasz Kempinski, Künstler, Berlin, Posnan
Joao Maya, Lissabon, Portugal
Roberto Bonilla, Montevideo, Uruguay
Thomas Rahm, Berlin, Germany
Robert Schatz, Parkton, Maryland, USA
Alison Jones, Cardigan, Wales, UK
Norbert Sindermann, Maschinenbauing, Niddatal, Germany
Bianca Schubert, Wustrow, Germany
Helmut Ciesla, Dipl.-Ing., Hirschberg, Germany
Renate Dölzer, Hirschberg, Germany
Ursel Risch, Mannheim, Germany
Edith Humeau, Darmstadt, Germany
Stephen Martin, author, USA web
John Walker, Retired, Saint Petersburg, Florida, USA
Sharon Shohfi, Durham, USA
Robert Scarcia, Italian National and resident of France
Sabine Krauß, Wurster Nordseeküste, Germany
Rainer Wedrich, IT-Berater, Duisburg, Germany
Clara Hengstermann, Heilpraktikerin, Geldern, Germany
Gudrun Genschow, Lehrerin i.R., Berlin, Germany
Isabelle Casel, freiberuflich, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
Dirk Jakob, Kreuztal, Germany
Michaela Kerstan, Projektmanagerin, Haltern am See, Germany
Valeria Sonda, Firenze, Italia
Francesco Andreini, retired, Siena, Italy
Ireo Bono, Savona, Italy
Vincenzo Brandi, engineer, Rome, Italy
Tiziano Cardosi, Firenze, Italy
Roberto Scarcia, Hendaye, France
Maurizio De Zordo, Firenze, Italy
Iker Garai, Bilbao, Basque Country (Spain)
Manuela Fani, Firenze, Italy
Sandra Carpi, Firenze, Italia
Marco Lazzeri, pensionato, Firenze, Italy
Piero Scarselli, Firenze, Italy
Inge Lankes, Viersen, Germany
Dr. Manfred Lotze, Hamburg, Germany
Helga Ebel, Aachen, Germany
Ekkehard Basten, Berlin, Germany
John Gilbert, University instructor, Naples, USA
Roberto Germano, Napoli, Italy
Roberto Conti-Vecchi, Sayulita, Mexico
Danilo Minicucci, Campobasso, Italy
Lando Barbieri, Cesena, Italy
Anita Fisicaro, journalist, Roma, Italy
Antonio Marchesano, Napoli, Italia
Dario Bianzani, Lecco, Italia
Angelo Salvatore, Frankfurt/Main
Giorgio Rossi, Chioggia, Italy
Nicla Maggio, Pensionata, Chioggia, Italy
Flavia Lepre, Napoli, Italia
Dietrich Schiemann, Schriesheim, Germany
Dr. Dörte von Drigalski, Ärztin, Marburg, Germany
Albrecht Dürer, Rentner, Liebenstein, Germany
Christof Bunse, Leimen, Germany
John, Reinhard, Schwetzingen, Germany
Elisabeth Umezulike, Lehrerin, Warstein, NRW, Germany
Margot Neubauer, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Sigrid Klose-Schlesier, Ärztin, Hamburg, Germany
Anamaria Diaz, Bielefeld, Germany
Bettina Mandellaub, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Carola Schulzke, Greifswald, Germany
Dr. Volkmar Vogel, Berlin, Germany
Hans Schuh, Mannheim, Germany
Magdalena Roschlau, freelancer, München, Germany
Kassem Fadel, Investmentsberater, Herford, Germany
Ute Evers, Kulturjournalistin, Mainz, Germany
Iskandar Daad, Hausfrau, Löhne, Germany
Dr. Michael Koellisch, Arzt, Braunschweig, Germany
Erika Litz-Gaspar, Bottrop, Germany
Giorgio Stern, Trieste, Italy
Petramaria Leonartz, Essen, Germany
Maurizio Marchi, Rosignano Solvay, Italy
Theodore Owens, Largo, Florida USA
Marco Vispi, Niederkorn, Luxemburg
Paola Slaviero, Roma, Italy
Birgit Soufiaoui, Prilly, Switzerland
Maria Angela Zerbinati, retired, Rovigo, Italia
Rossella Porticati, Metallbearbeitung, Pisa, Italia
Christoph Vohland, Bonn, Germany
Birgit Naujeck, Bad Honnef, Germany
Yasemin Belkiran, Bad Honnef, Germany
Regine Roloff, Berlin, Germany
Rita Abert, Rentnerin, Berlin, Germany
Karla Leonartz Aksu, Voerde (Niederrhein), Germany
Elmar Schulze Messing, Bonn, Germany
Horst u. Ursula Smok, Rentner u. Rentnerin, Köln, Germany
Dr. Edgardo Salas Santana, Arzt, Bielefeld, Germany
Gabriele Weis, ret. teacher, Bernau diskursblickwechsel-wordpress
Peter Held, Testamentsvollstrecker / Berufsbetreuer, Swisttal, Germany
Melacio Castro, Essen, Germany
Hana Qetinaj, Studentin, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Michael Preißel, Badenheim, Germany
Jan Vogl, Lamspringe, Germany
Christian Gorgon-Tschöke, Bochum
Jupp Elsner, Bonn
Francesco Gerevini, Cremona, Italien.
Claudia Berton, Italy (NO-NATO committee)
Angelo Baracca, (retired) Professor University of Florenze, Italy
Jason Froehlich, Lake Ridge, Virginia; usa
Roberta Sardelli, Roma, Italy
Giorgio Ellero, Italy
Ulrike Padberg, Rentnerin, Bonn, Germany
Udo Kueffen, Bonn, Germany
Hans Peter, Arenz, Köln, Germany
Else Heiermann, Duisburg, Germany
Benjamin Fiebe, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Jens Carstensen, Oberhausen, Germany
Dr. Bernhard Schweiger, Bremen, Germany
Liane El Hakioui, Erfurt, Germany
Tanja Banavas, Bonn, Germany
Barbara Holzmann-Hollinetz, Dipl.Krankenpflegerin, Wartberg, Österreich
Olaf Richter, Allendorf/ Eder, Germany
Petros Hadjicostis, Larnaca, Cyprus
Christobulos Konsolos, Larnaca, Cyprus
Surla Zorica, Sulzbach, Germany
Maria Grazia Braccini, Pisa, Italia
Hildegard Lutz, Heidelberg, Germany
Horst Zeller, Frettenheim, Germany
Barbara Bodechtel, Ärztin, Gera, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, IPPNW
André Erben, selbständig, Heidelberg, Germany
Rainer Jahns, Mannheim, Germany
Aydin Fatih, Erzieher, Stuttgart, Germany
Andrijana Mikecin, Manager, Rome, Italy
Rolf Reinert, Löhne, Germany
Gessica Carciofo, Artista, Monterenzio, Bologna, Italia
Johannes Bard, Rentner, Grünheide, Germany
Hartmut Wihstutz, Hohen Neuendorf, Germany
Ralf Schnabel, Business Coach und Berater, Schongau, Germany
Severin Veit-Yvon, Pinneberg, Germany
Michael Wirth, Waldmohr, Germany
Sergio Falcone, Poeta, Roma, Italy
Dr. Holger Eichhorn, Berlin, Germany
Elio Mugnaini, Florence, Italy
Dagmar Pfeiffer, Lübeck, Germany
Peter Bille, Sankt Augustin, Germany
Erich Schneider, Mössingen, Germany
Natalia Bajramovic, Ladenburg, Germany
Gerald Williams, Lehrer. i.R., Berlin, Germany
Marcel Bartels, Ingenieur Berlin, Germany
Peter Ligner, Birkenwerder, Germany
Ingo Kaiser, Dortmund, Germany
Dr. Hermann Burkard, Gemünden a.M., Germany
Gerhard Mertschenk, Berlin, Germany
August Dankwart, Rentner, Berlin, Germany
Hartmut Barth-Engelbart, Schriftsteller, Grafiker, Publizist, Germany
Uta Funke, Birkenwerder, Germany
Francesca Maria Lingua, Ärztin, Herrischried, Germany
Andrea Drescherf, Austria
Horst Seiffert, Nauen, Germany
Thomas Hurst, Anti-Rassismus Trainer, Berlin, Germany
Gustavo Barcaz de Mesa, Musiker, Berlin, Havanna
Franz Dorner, Berndorf, Austria
Stephan Best, Lehrer a.D., Fellbach, Germany
Bettina Schmidt, Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Monika Greve, Bielefeld, Germany
Josef Hollinetz, Baumeister, Vienna, Austria
David Gerhard, Rentner, Bad Schönborn, Germany
Johannes Maaz, Architekt, Arezzo, Italien
Dr. Uwe Wollmerstädt, Berlin, Germany
Dr. med. Helmut Käss, Hausarzt, Braunschweig, Germany
Kim Soobok, Financing, Teaneck, New Jersey, USA
Dr. med. Dörte von Drigalski, Psychotherapeutin, Ärztin, Hamburg, Germany
Morteza Mohit, Glendale, CA, USA
Claudia Berton, writer, teacher, Verona, Italia
Dr. Günter Rexilius, Psychotherapist, Mönchengladbach, Germany
Francesco Gerevini, pensionato, Cremona, Italia
Alicia Staufenbiel, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Holger Eichhorn, Berlin, Germany
Jürgen Jung, Pfaffenhofen, Germany
Andreas Peglau, Berlin, Germany
Christa Senberg, Knitting for Peace, Zossen, Germany
André Erben, selbständig, Heidelberg, Germany
Friederike Marie von Brevern, Hannover, Germany
Dieter Hehr, Köln, Germany
Dr. Nikolaus Tzalis, Küps (Oberfranken), Germany
Anneke Hoffmeyer, Studentin, Bochum, Germany
Ina Lenzner, Berlin, Germany
Giorgio Rossi, pensionato, Chioggia, Italy
Martina Speziale, medico in pensione, Firenze, Italia
Kathleen Kynaß, Friedland, Germany
Heinz-Joachim Reiß, Rentner, Berlin, Germany
E. Rasmus, Berlin, Germany
Hannah Schönig, Duisburg, Germany
Silke Gottfriedsen, physician ret. , Bremen, Germany
Hannes Wandt, Nürnberg, Germany
Kluge Felix, Sozialarbeiter, Heidelberg, Germany
Ulrich Niebuhr, Bremen, Germany
Dr. Jürgen Borchert, physician, Bremen, Germany
Ernst-Ludwig Iskenius, physician and member of IPPNW, Rostock, Germany
Franz Josef Gehrmann, Löhne, Germany
Bärbel Wihstutz, Hohen Neuendorf, Germany
Leonore Schröder, Friedenskreis Castrop-Rauxel, Germany
Dr. Raimund Teismann, Brühl, Germany
Margita Gudjons, Rentner, Castrop-Rauxel, Germany
Gisela Bracht, Lehrerin a.D., Castrop-Rauxel, Germany
Manfred Pietschmann, Pensionär, Castrop-Rauxel, Germany
Jürgen Reiners, Kunstmaler, Köln, Germany
Jördis Land, physician, Castrop-Rauxel, Germany
Beate Rasper, physician, Borgentreich, Germany
Angelika Stobinski, Hohen Neuendorf, Germany
Patrice Chevallier, Langueux, France
Peter Stobinski, Historiker, Hohen Neuendorf, Germany
John Catalainotto, New York, USA
Michael Koellisch, physician, Braunschweig, Germany
Konrad Holger, Langerwehe, Germany
Renate Stein, Bremen, Germany
Jan Baumann, Köln, Germany
Uta Mader, Sozialmedizinerin i.R., Bernau, Germany
Michaela Matschinski, Ravensburg, Germany
Isabel Eckhardt, Aufstehen-Aktivistin, Berlin, Germany
Albrecht Ludloff, Berlin, Germany
Kirsten Hüttenrauch, Berlin, Germany
Hans-Peter Koehn, Kinesiologe, Potsdam, Germany
Johanna Vanicek, Rentnerin, Vaals, Netherlands
Kornelia Krüger, Berlin, Germany
Mirjana Frieß, Berlin, Germany
Konrad Appenbichler, Prags, Italien
Helmut Heger, Bad Feilnbach, Germany
Rainer Stablo, Lehrer, Morbach, Germany
Petra Schürbrock, Berlin, Germany
Bernd Wojtynek, Magdeburg, Germany
Horst Lahrmann, Anklam, Germany
Sieglinde Grüning, Frankenhain, Germany
Aliana Ediger, Nurse, Schorndorf, Germany
Robert Schwenk, Economist, Schorndorf, Germany
Wolfgang Diekmann, Bad Salzuflen, Germany
Heide Meyer, Weimar, Germany
Julian Ediger, Kaisersbach, Germany
Frank Martinec, Leipzig, Germany
Ivica Matisic, Vienna, Austris
Ulrich Feek, Weimar, Germany
Frank Müller, Mölln, Germany
Dirk Müller, Neubrandenburg, Germany
Aleksandar Kilibarda, Berlin, Germany
Dirk Trumpfheller, Radbruch, Germany
Thomas Hopp, Berlin, Germany
Rainer Pakosch, Pinneberg, Germany
Gisela Knox, Oederquart, Germany
Dimitri Mundt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Ralf Horn, Hildburghausen, Germany
Georg Keller, occupational therapist, Bernkastel-Kues, Germany
Hermann Falkl, Musikproduzent, Berlin, Germany
Thomas Croy, Zwickau, Germany
Franco Brignola, perito meccanico industriale Castel sant´Angelo, Italia
Richard Petersen, Kiel, Germany
Peter Fröhlich, Güstrow
Antonia Hummel, Eurasburg, Germany
Gabriele Bru-Schilling, Kahl, Germany
Helmuth Fellner, i.R.,ehem. Arbeiterkammerrat der AK Wien; ehem. Fachgruppenvorsitz der GPA Wien
Werner Schilling, Barsinghausen, Germany
Gerhard Wannemacher, Mandelbachtal, Germany
Beate Vossen, Remscheid, Germany
Norbert Sindermann, Maschinenbauing., Niddatal, Germany
Tim Sorglos, Bremen, Germany
Alfons Scheuplein, Lohr am Main, Germany
Julia Brungardt, Erbach Donau, Germany
Rene Harder, Hohenselchow – Groß Pinnow, Germany
Claudia Pusam, Faist, Austria
Hans Schneidewind, Magdeburg, Germany
Dr. Inge Plettenberg, Writer, Saarbrücken, Germany
Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, Lindau (Bodensee), Germany
Milica Radojkovic-Hänsel , M.A. für Internationale Politik, Lindau, Germany
Joerg Cruel, Lörrach, Germany
Dr. Vladimi Kutka , Surgeon, Aachen, Germany
Birgit Wilhelmi, Binz, Germany
Udo Hessenberger, Hamburg, Germany
Peter Goldberger, Teacher (retired), Vienna, Austria
Maik Schrumpf, Freyburg an der Unstrut, Germany
Eva Maria Schwiertz, Tuebingen, Germany
Rubin Georg, Hohnstorf, Germany
Rainer Dagge, Bonita Springs, USA
Dr. Barbara Preuß, Rentnerin, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Barbara Dworok-Szopa, Wien, Austria
Roswitha Sannemann, Castrop.Rauxel, Germany
Angelika Gutsche, München, Germany
Klaus Dick, Ravensburg, Germany
Robert Fähndrich, Ravensburg, Germany
Eva-Maria Michl, Regensburg, Germany
Peter Lorscheidt, Monheim am Rhein, Germany
Martin Zeis, Lehrer, Stuttgart, Germany
Michael Speth, Lichtenau, Germany
Sue Ann Martinson, Rise Up Times, Minneapolis MN USA
Max Faist, Wolfach, Germany
Ulrich Karthaus, Hannover, Germany
Maria Plieva, Informatiker, Hamburg, Germany
Dany Lindenbacher, Sozialaktivist, Weil am Rhein, Germany
Grietje Willms, Malerin, Berlin, Germany
Peter Kerpen, Necker, Switzerland
Klaus Zapf, Rentner, Hamburg, Germany
Werner Enßlen, Wennigsen, Germany
Ruth Gabriel, Deutschland
Hildegard Osselt, Germany
Michael Romee, Köln, Germany
Erika Rosenwinkel, Stuttgart, Germany
Erich Gluch, München, Germany
Steve Petretti, Radio Pacific Sur de Costa Rica
Ted Clausen, Healdsburg, CA USA
Gabriele Jaeger, Berlin, Germany
Barbara Mue, Kosel, Germany
Gitta Kleine, München, Germany
Rita Abert, Berlin, Germany
Dirk Kluwig, Köln, Germany
Mehran Zanganeh, Schriftsteller, Berlin, Germany
Ina Lenzner, Berlin, Germany
Willi Hoffmeister, Sprecher Ostermarsch Rhein Ruhr, Dortmund
Michael Czech, Maurer / Erwerbslos, Berlin, Germany
Barbara B. Krohn, Übersetzerin, Berlin, Germany
Gerald Schwember, Rentner/Musiker, Berlin, Germany
Petra Willemelis, Mitglied Partei die Linke und Cuba Si, Berlin, Germany
Bea Trampenau, Geschäftsführerin, Buchholz, Germany
Michael Lang, Berlin, Germany
Gudrun B. Genschow, Lehrerin i.R., Berlin, Germany
Arnold Zahn, Dipl.-Ing. i. R., München, Germany
Rainer Hecht, Fachkrankenpfleger, Niederneisen, Germany
Paul Julius, Leipzig, Germany
Hardy Groeneveld, Bereichsleiter Business Development, Karlsruhe
Andreas Wich, Pflegehelfer, Hildesheim, Germany
Tom Haida, Germany
Ursula Molsberger, Psychotherapeutin, Bocholt, Germany
Heike Braun, Lampertheim
Christian Fölsch, Berufskraftfahrer, Ritterhude
Raphaela H. Langenberg, Gärtner, Labenz
Nick Schorr, Student, Hohenwart, Germany
Ulrike Ahrens, Grafschaft, Germany
Sven Apel, Alsdorf , Germany
Francisco R. Mendez, Künstler, Mannheim, Germany
Alfred Mannel, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
Jörg Wagner, Angestellter, Ulm, Germany
Regina Schymanski, Eisenach, Germany
Klaudia Thevagt, Empfingen, Germany
Karin Carstens, Angestellte, Barmstedt, Germany
Ursula Schröder, Hamburg, Germany
Peter Lückmann, Rentner, Gera, Germany
Juan Miranda Moraga, Ludwigshafen, Germany
Oliver Jantke, Monteur, Leipzig, Germany
Waltraud Dahl, Bottrop, Germany
Beate Flesch, Dokumentar, Spandau, Germany
Sedat Sevimli, Delmenhorst, Germany
Christian Momberger, Gießen, Germany
Chaia Hänke, Berlin, Germany
Julia Jakob, Berlin, Germany
Daniela Vazquez Meyer, Hannover, Germany
Stefanie Rosin, Rostock, Germany
Lisa Heinig, Bremen, Germany
Michael Zöpfel, Jena, Germany
Jutta Zöpfel, Jena, Germany
Helga Westphal, Köln, Germany
Heide Hartje-Huss, Verden/Aller, Germany
Andreas Lehmann, Peitz, Germany
Christiane Kranz, Übersetzerin, Gotha, Germany
Heike Rieger, Lehrerin i.R., Suhl, Germany
Carlos M. Gonzalez, Dozent, Essen, Germany
Pedro Crovetto, Professor, Bochum, Germany
J. Gueltner, Berlin, Germany
Tobias Thiele, Musiker, Berlin, Germany
Frank Schuster, Altenpfleger, Radebeul, Germany
Monika Asmus, Wuppertal, Germany
Ingo Kudenhold, Kiel, Germany
Stefan Moser, Elzach, Germany
Falk Moldenhauer, Sozialarbeiter, Germany
Walter Friedmann, Bühl wegezumfrieden.wordpress
Celia Schmidt, Diplom-Medienpädagogin, Schwedeneck, Germany
Arnold Witjes, Oldenzaal, Netherlands
Sally McMillan, Iowa City, Iowa USA
Alison Jones, Cardigan, Wales, UK
Torsten Nitsche, Mediengestalter, Rostock, Germany
Sarah Lanzman, Dyke, Virginia USA
Elisabeth Hanus, München, Germany
Bettina Mandellaub, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Herbert Möller, Philosoph, Bielefeld
Christoph Imöhl, Gartenarchitekt, Wetter (Ruhr), Germany
Klaus Hentschke, Ingenieur, Leegebruch, Brandenburg, Germany
Josef Schönherr, Nördlingen, Bayern, Germany
Evelyn Meyer, Erzieherin/Rentnerin, Hamburg, Germany
Heinz Brenig, Bremen, Germany
Edibe Sakallah, Stuttgart, Germany
Karolina Jung, Erbelding, Germany
Yasemin Belkiran, Dipl.-Übersetzerin & Dolmetscherin, Bad Honnef, Germany
Heide Weidemann, Erden, Germany
Matthias Janke, Kelsterbach, Germany
Gert Alisch, Chemnitz, Germany
Dietrich Holland, Berlin, Germany
Mirko Mühlau, Dresden, Germany
Evelyn Rottengatter, Redakteurin Pressenza München, Germany
Ursula Steffen, Berlin, Germany
Bernhard Maria Schupfner, Arzt, Westerkappeln, Germany
Michaela Kerstan, LAG Grundeinkommen NRW, Sprecherin
Christine Ligner, Ärztin, Birkenwerder, Germany
Uwe Kabs, Rentner, Berlin, Germany
Holger Konrad, Langerwehe, Germany
Michaela Amiri, München, Germany
Barbara Wittkus, Aachen, Germany
Holger Konrad, Langerwehe, Germany
Sahin Aydin, Freier Journalist, Bottrop, Germany
Brigitte Oxenknecht, Berlin, Germany
Gerhard Hallermayer, Videojournalist, Germering, Germany Videoportal
Mehdi El Aouni, Berlin, Germany
Ursula Shoukry, Langenfeld, Germany
Amir Helalat, Tangolehrer, Kassel, Germany
Denis Figueredo, Zerspanungsmechaniker, Böblingen, Germany/Cuba
Raphael Chiesa, Kehlen, Luxemburg
Ernst Oppermann, Füssen, Germany
Angelika Thom, Rentnerin, Dresden, Germany
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Triebel, Universitätsprofessor i. R., Berlin, Germany
Doug Henderson, Berlin, Germany
Clemens Maronn, Riedstadt, Germany
Volker Wirth, Berlin, Germany
Joachim Bonatz, Stv. Vorsitzender ISOR e.V., Berlin, Germany
Andreas Sichardt, Servicetechniker, Neuenstein, Germany
Birgit Sichardt, Krankenschwester, Neuenstein, Germany
Walter Friedmann, Bühl, Germany
Bruce Leier, Minneapolis, USA
Waltraud Meienreis, Berlin, Germany
Raina Zimmering, Professorin, Berlin, Germany
Ursula Niesert, Freiburg, Germany
Renate Möller, Berlin, Germany
Ariane Lorenz, Berlin, Germany
Karl Keller, Rentner, Backnang, Germany
Lothar Wengel, Berlin, Germany
Stephan Haube, Berlin, Germany
Elke Koza, Rentnerin, Berlin, Germany
Felipe Rengifo Hernández, carer for the elderly, Essen, Germany / Venezuela
Valmore Suárez, Dipl. Ing., Berlin, Germany
Henry Freyer-Steyer, Angestellter, Berlin, Germany
Claudio Coladangelo, Lahnau, Italy
Walter Friedmann, Bühl/Baden, Germany
Roland Würkert, Klipphausen, Germany
Hans-Juergen Metzner, Markkleeberg, Germany
Benjamin Schultz, Werder, Germany
Harro Läpple, Supervisor (DGSV), dipl.paed., Berlin, Germany
Berta Bork, pens. Lehrerin, Oldenburg (Oldb), Germany
Denis Erbert, Mannheim, Germany
Peter Brecht, Weinsberg, Germany
Lothar Schlüter, Rentner, Berlin, Germany
Claus Hübner, Niefern-Öschelbronn
Hartmut Haubold , Bauing. Rentner, Berlin
Gerda Daenecke, Kuba-Aktivistin, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Ute Koité-Herschel, Aachen, Germany
Axel Köhler, Ahlstädt, Germany
Jan Hoffmann, Berlin, Germany
Gabriele Pusceddu, Divonne Les Bains, Frankreich
Stefanie Kötter, Düsseldorf
Annette Schubert, Crimmitschau
Stefan Féaux de la Croix, Lübeck
Bouggy Rademacher, Rentner, Künstler, Tréméven, France
Constanze Dost, Leipzig
Wolfgang Herrmann, Grünow, Germany Nueva Nicaragua Informe
Bruno Nitsch, Marktheidenfeld
Ulrich Knorr, Berlin, Rentner / Germany
Heinrich Waller, Bregenz, Austria
Bernd Schoepe, Lehrer / Autor, Berlin / Germany
Camillo Hochreiner, Salzburg, Austria
Adrienne Twupack, Görlitz / Germany
Charlotte Münch, Texterin, Übersetzerin, Delmenhorst / Germany Internet
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At the same time, we would like to refer to our April 2018 declaration signed by numerous individuals and organizations:
A Call for International Solidarity with Russia, Syria,
Iran, China, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Palestine
and all nations that stand for Peace & Diplomacy. (April 2018)
The West‘s aggressive propaganda campaign against Russia and its other perceived enemies has reached dangerous proportions.
The current tensions over unproven allegations from the West blaming Russia of using nerve agents, or the Syrian government of using chemical weapons against their own people, and against Iran to still work on a nuclear weapons program, continues to escalate into an international crisis with severe global consequences.
Despite no evidence to back their accusations, an international alliance of Western governments, Mainstream Media, disingenuous NGO‘s and other entities continues to increasingly support the use of threats, sanctions and even military attacks against sovereign nations with no end in sight.
This deceptive smear campaign is only the latest in the West‘s ongoing information war against not only Russia, but also Syria, China, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba and other targeted nations that dare to exercise their own sovereignty.
This propaganda war is also most dramatically manifested in Syria where the West has repeatedly accused Russia of helping theSyrian government ‘‘gas its own people‘‘ and ‘‘target civilians,‘‘ despite no investigations being carried out and no evidenceforthcoming. The US, the UK and France have even conducted military strikes using alleged chemical weapon attacks by Damascusas a pretext. Everything points to a choreographed script to impugn both Moscow and Damascus as rogue states and internationalpariahs.
Whether branding any targeted nations ‘‘undemocratic regimes‘‘ ruled by ‘‘murderous dictators,‘‘ or falsely accusing them of ‘‘meddling,‘‘ ‘‘aggression‘‘ or ‘‘genocide,‘‘ this pattern of demonization through the use of disinformation and outright blatant lies is fed to the public to advance the West‘s true objective: global hegemony.
The West‘s outrageous duplicity and reckless provocations risk pushing the world toward a dangerous new Cold War, or worse, a direct military confrontation that could spiral out of control and inadvertently lead to nuclear war and global annihilation.
In light of these grave dangers to humanity, We, as concerned global citizens, are taking a stand and calling for all peace-loving individuals, groups, organizations, political entities and nations worldwide to:
- Express strong, solidarity and support for Russia, China, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, Palestine, and any other nations targeted by Western aggression. Though the policies of these nations are open to criticism, fairness must be applied equally, and the sovereignty of all nations must always be respected.
- Strongly support and endorse the state media networks of Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Bolivia (i.e. Russia’s RT News, New China TV, Iran’s Press TV, HispanTV, and Latin America’s TelesurTV) and other resistant nations. Though imperfect, it is of utmost importance to promote these and other international media viewpoints outside of the Western MSM narrative.
- Strongly support and promote reputable and respected alternative media sources and independent journalists, including the few courageous journalists who are still working within the mainstream media, in order to counter the MSM‘s worldwide propaganda machine and break its hegemony and its narratives and censorship.
- Categorically oppose and firmly denounce the reckless, illegal behavior from the West and its allies in the MSM that vilifies sovereign nations and world leaders to promote regime change and incite worldwide conflict.
- Oppose the manipulation of media by the MSM, the criminalization of dissent and free speech, and the growing practice of censorship on the internet by social media companies at the behest of Western governments.
- Demand that all Western-allied nations and their leaders respect and follow international law and the principles of sovereignty, non-interference and non-aggression, as indicated by the UN Charter.
- Support, strengthen and promote organizations, multilateral institutions and global alliances outside the orbit of the West‘s influence that promote international peace, cooperation, diplomacy and development (BRICS, EEU, SCO, AIIB, NAM (Non Alligned Movement), ALBA, CELAC, etc).
This call for solidarity is meant to build new roads of communication and cooperation, and to empower nations and the public with vital, critical information in order to counter the intense disinformation campaign that MSM and the West have initiated.
Drawing from the lessons of colonialism and war, it is more urgent than ever to stand united with all nations that oppose militarism, fascism & racism.
In solidarity, we wish to amplify the message of peace and justice, in order to counter the rogue forces of Western hegemony, and bring about a transition to a multipolar world where all nations and peoples can live together in harmony.
published @ Coop Anti-War Cafe Berlin by Heinrich Buecker, Al Leger & Elke Zwinge-Makamizile, April 6, 2018
Critical Media, News and Initiatives here
to also endorse this appeal please use E-mail form below to sign or send directly to
We are supporting this appeal:
Heinrich Buecker, Coop Anti-War Cafe Berlin
Albert Leger, Berlin, Germany
Elke Zwinge-Makamizile, Freidenker Berlin, Germany
Dr. Nancy Larenas Ojeda, “Patria Grande Berlin”, Coordinador Alemania PC Chile
Laura von Wimmersperg, Moderatorin der Berliner Friedenskoordination
Dr. Johannes M. Becker, Privatdozent, Zentrum f. Konfliktforschung, Philipps-Universität Marburg
Klaus v. Raussendorff, Bonn, Germany Publizist
Wolfgang Penzholz, Author, Berlin, Germany
U.S. Peace Council, Alfred L. Marder, President, Connecticut, USA
Bruce K. Gagnon, Coordinator, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, USA
Irene Silberstein, Blaenavon Pontypool, UK,
Paul Teschner, The Paul Teschner Love Orchestra, Berlin
Tomasz Kempinski, Artist, Berlin, Posnan
Ivan Kustura, Berlin, Germany
Rev. David B. Smith, Priest, Sydney, Australia
Christian Bugler, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Manfred Lotze, Internationale Ärzte für die Verhütung des Atomkrieges Hamburg/IPPNW
Gustavo Barcaz de Mesa, Musician, Berlin, Havanna
Walter Praher, DIE LINKE Kreisverband Hochsauerlandkreis
Ali Mallah, Toronto, Canada
Andre Sheldon, Newton, USA
Mareike Séry, Author, Berlin, Germany
Ralph T. Niemeyer, Journalist and Documentary Filmmaker, Killaloe, Ireland
Helmut Semmelmann, Gesellschaft zum Schutz von Bürgerrecht und Menschenwürde e.V. GBM
Ibrahim K. Lada’a, MD. Mitglied IPPNW, Ramallah, Palästina
Dr. med. Jens Wagner, Arzt, Mitglied bei IPPNW, Stade, Germany
Manni Engelhardt, AK-Koordinator, Aachen, Germany
Andreas Griewank, Prof., Dekan d. Universität Imbabura, Ecuador, Mitglied Die Linke
Bernhard Schneyer, Komponist/Dirigent, Magdeburg, Germany
Vic Sadot, Berkeley, Singer-Songwriter, CA, United States berkeleycalling-blog
Alexander Ionov, President Anti-Globalization Movement of Russia, Moscow
Giuliana Giorgi, Interpreter, Berlin, Germany
Anja Mewes, Vorsitzende des Vereins Friedensglockengesellschaft Berlin e.V.
Doris Pumphrey, Peace Activist, Berlin, Germany
George Pumphrey, Peace Activist, Berlin, Germany
Elfriede Krutsch, Ärztin, Mitglied IPPNW „International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War“, Berlin
Steffen Aumüller, Aktion Freiheit statt Angst, Berlin, Germany
Ana Barbara von Keitz, Handwerkerin, Berliner Arbeitskreises Uran-Munition
Yasmin Diaz, Journalist, Lima, Peru
William H. Warrick III MD (Retired), Veterans For Peace, Chapter #01 Auburn, Maine
Dr.Hartmut Wihstutz, Kinder u. Jugendarzt, Mitglied IPPNW, Mitglied Willkommen in OHV e.V.
Ernst Josef Püschel, Kreissprecher Die Linke Rhein-Erft
Gerda Hill-Schönefeldt, Berlin, Germany
Diana Bohn, Berkeley, CA, USA
Joseph Hickey, Executive Director Ontario Civil Liberties Association, Canada
Helge Böhme, Rentner, Oberst a.D., Berlin, Germany
Jeff Brummer, Veterans For Peace Member, Boston, MA, USA
Albrecht Geißler, Dipl. Gw., Chemnitz, Vorsitzender RFB e. V. (Revolutionärer Freundschaftsbund)
Jutta Kausch-Henken, Schauspielerin, Berlin, Germany
Jürgen Kelle, Freundschaftsgesellschaft BRD-Kuba e.V., Regionalgruppe Frankfurt, Germany
Andreas Peglau, Psychologe/ Psychotherapeut, Berlin, Germany web
Dr. Kersten Radzimanowski, Historiker/Publizist, Eggersdorf, Germany
Ursula Schumm-Garling, Professorin i.R., Berlin, Germany
Brigitte Queck, Dipl. Staatswiss. Außenpolitik, Potsdam, Germany
Hans Schönefeldt, Berlin, Germany
Volker Bräutigam, Journalist, ehem. Nachrichtenredakteur d. Tagesschau, Mölln, Germany
Elisabeth Wissel, Berlin, Germany
Michael Boden, Rentner / Kommunalpolitiker Die Linke, Leverkusen
Klaus Hartmann, Offenbach, Bundesvorsitzender Deutscher Freidenker-Verband
Dragan Pavlovic, Professor d. Anesthesiologue, Universität Paris, France
Dr. Leo Semashko, Philosopher, Sociologist, State Councillor St. Petersburg, Russia
Brigitte Streicher, Vorsitzende Deutscher Freidenkerverbandes NRW, Germany
Sebastian Netzker, Lyriker, Berlin, Germany
Regina Schwarz, Diplom-Sozialarbeiterin, Köln, Germany
Peter Unsicker, Berlin,
Ulrich Lenz, Katzenelnbogen, Friedenswerkstatt Sophie Hedwig
Dr. Günter Rexilius, Psychotherapeut/IPPNW, Mönchengladbach, Germany
Saniene Jahn, Künstlerin/ Publizistin, Koblenz, Germany
Simon Spill, Politologe, Berlin, Germany
Alexander Spassov, Reasearcher, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Dietrich Antelmann, Diplomkameralist, Berlin, Germany
TM Rotschönberg, freischaffender Maler, Obergruna
Hans-Peter Zepf, Physiker, Journalist, Dornstetten-Aach, Germany
Walter Friedmann, Bühl, Germany
Tanja Glaser Klaws, Freelancer int.sea and air transport, Caracas, Venezuela
Dr. Martin Baertlocher, Basel, Schweiz
Ian Henshall, activist, author, Brighton, UK
Marcel Bartels, Berlin
Ursula Behr, Malerin, Berlin blog
Hans-Ulrich Bünger, Rentner, Freudenstadt, Germany
Riema Le Roux, Übersetzerin, Conakry, Guinea
Gordana Jovanovic, Universitätsprofessorin für Psychologie, Belgrad
Dr. Joachim Gruber, Physiker, Ankershagen, Germany Webseite
Cornelia Praetorius, Mütter gegen den Krieg, Christliche Friedenskonferenz, Berlin, Germany
Gabriele Jäger, Berlin, Germany
Einar Schlereth, Journalist, Blogger, Friedensaktivist, Klavreström, Schweden Web
Uli Mühlan, Aktivist, Frankfurt, Germany
Werner Aichele, Oberstaufen, Germany
Frances Leader, Activist, Corfe Mullen, Dorset, United Kingdom
Kay Novakk, Eaton, Australia
Ann Caspian, Salt Spring Island, Canada
Lody Daniels, Artist, Maastricht, Netherlands
Dieter Arbeiter, Friedensaktivist, Berlin, Germany
Alfred Fritz, Dipl. Jurist /KPD, Berlin, Germany
Antonie Brinkmann, Bremen, Germany
Jutta Kaiser, Berlin, Germany
Ullrich Mies, Politikwissenschaftler, Vaals, Niederlande
Barbara Wittkus, Aachen, Germany
Frank Hagen, Friedensaktivist, Lana, Italien
Hagen Schütte, Rentner und Friedensaktivist, Berlin, Germany
Margitta Wrzesniok, Köchin, Dessau, Germany
Peter Betscher, Arbeiterfotografie e.V., Darmstadt, Germany
Ursula Mathern, Merxheim, Germany
Edith Fröse, Duisburg, Germany
Marc Benndorf, staatl. gepr. Holztechniker, Rhauderfehn, Ostfriesland, Germany
Renate Schönfeld, Pfarrerin i.R., Berlin, Germany
Eduard und Uta Mader, Bernau, Germany
Georg von Sternberg, Schriftsteller,Kaltenkirchen, Germany
Christian Olesch, Berlin, Germany
Kurt Weber, selbständig, Worms, Germany
Klaus Michelberger, Busfahrer/Rentner, Innsbruck, Österreich
Astrid Zirgel, retired, Sainte Croix en Plaine, France
Robert Schmoll, Wels, Austria
Thomas Mücke, Wirtschaftsinformatiker, Bad Staffelstein
Kirsten Kühnert, Autorin, Berlin, Germany
Barbara Fährmann, Rentnerin, Berlin, Germany
Josef Pilsl, Biessenhofen
Peter Voland, Beamter/Pensionär, Lichtenau, Germany
Robert Bralovic, Feldkirch, Austria
Annelie Löhr Campion, Brüssel, Belgien
Horst Drewke, Dipl. Ing (FH) Maschinenbau, Brandenburg, Germany
Margarethe Maria von Rüden, Freelancer, Warburg, Germany
Dittmar Schippel, Rentner, Wittstock, Brandenburg, Germany
Mehmet Ali Altun, €rfinder, Oerlinghausen, Germany
Annemarie Willers, Wuppertal, Germany
Wolfgang Bachmann, Diplom Ingenieur Ökonom, Rostock, Germany
Dittmar Schippel, Wittstock, Brandenburg, Germany
Renate Haase, Rentnerin, Königs Wusterhausen, Germany
Uta Böttcher, Dipl.Ing.für Wasserwirtschaft, Ehingen, Germany
Rolf-Dieter Rösch, Rentner, Hamburg, Germany
Wolfgang Köhler, Schlosser/Schweißer, Werdau, Germany
Alexander Meier, Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz, Germany
Gabriele Eckhardt, Rentner, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Germany
Antonio Thieme, Zwickau, Germany
Norbert Herrmann, IT-Senior, Leipzig, Germany
Anastasia Zimmer, Ärztin, Stuttgart, Germany
Gunnar Lorenz, NaturFreunde Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
Andreas Nykiel, Handwerker, Kassel, Germany
Siegfried Krebs, Rastatt, Germany
Enrico Wendt, selbstständig, Wismar, Mecklenburg/Vorpommern, Germany
Harald Preißler, Nürnberg, Germany
Borries Schlüter, Jazzpianist, Germany
Rudi Blichmann, Pensionär, Reichenbach i. V., Sachsen, Germany
Jürgen Axmann, Physiker, Werder, Germany
Peter Biedrich, Chemiker, Grasleben, Germany
Hagen Voigt, Freidenker, Oranienburg
Dr. Mohmand Shamsher, selbständig, Bad Kreuznach
Roland Philipp, Rentner, Berlin, Germany
Detlef Dyrda, Ingenieur, Coswig, Germany
H.J. Blaum, Doberschütz, Germany
Dr. Gottfried Lange, Klein Nordende, Germany
Guenter Maurer, Herbolzheim, Germany
Hanns-Ullrich Batisweiler, Keramikermeister/Gestalter, Amerang, Germany
Wolf-Dieter Strauch, Rietheim- Weilheim, Germany
Jutta Woelk, Rentnerin, Heikendorf, Germany
Norbert Niegsch, Unternehmensberater i.R., Zittau, Germany
Sabine Simons-Meudt, Ottobeuren, Germany
Dr.Andrej Reder, Politikwissenschaftler, Berlin, Germany
Burkhard Stebner, Angestellter, Lübeck, Germany
Michael Peters, Dipl. Ing., Neubrandenburg, Germany
Peter Schöpe, Berlin, Germany
Pia Planker, Duisburg, Germany
Sibilla Dörner-Jaramillo, Hürth, Germany
Eva Maria Schulz, Alterspension, Wenns, Austria
Dr.phil William Yoder, Gwardejsk/Russland und Berlin
Dirk Jakob, Kreuztal, Germany
Andreas Brix, Hamburg, Germany
Dirk Jakob, Kreuztal, Germany
Petra Erdt Antonowa, Rentnerin, Kabelsketal, Germany
Joachim Völter, Berlin, Germany
Michael Weimer, Bürgstadt, Germany
Lothar Lux, Rentner, Herten
Claus-Peter Rasch, Dipl.Verwaltungswirt, Schwerin, Germany
Jürgen Holwein, Stuttgart, Germany
Johann Poser, Neubrandenburg, Germany
Michael Lache, Redwitz, Germany
Harald Adam, Rübeland, Germany
Gunther Becker, Rentner, Goldbach, Germany
Gerd Heijnen, Wegebau, selbstandig, Nieuw Schoonebeek, Holland
Irocs Mayer, Selbständige Berster, Frankfurt/M, Germany
Reinhard Roehring, Fachlehrer i.R., Zirndorf, Germany
Jörg Wagner, Greven, Germany
Volker Wernsdorf, Brandenburg, Germany
Josef Mekler, Elektroniker, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Christian Harde, Berlin, Germany
Dagmar Pfeiffer, Lübeck, Germany
Carla Kawatziklis, Rentnerin, Maidbronn, Germany
Uwe Riegner, Unternehmer, Berlin, Germany
Karl Jungnickel, Rentner, Bobritzsch-Hilgersdorf, Germany
Werner Schilling, Barsinghausen, Germany
Hans Ritterbusch, Krankenpfleger, Cölbe bei Marburg, Germany
Thomas Ruß, Geschäftsführer, Berlin, Germany
Alfred Kreiten, Weltbürger, Aachen, Germany
Werner Elias, Erzhausen, Germany
Markus Gerstmeir, Wertingen, Germany
Roman Brusa, Freelancer, Schüpfheim, Switzerland
Manfred Ritter, Rentner, Irsch, Germany
Dr. Albrecht Kauffmann, Dipl.-Volkswirt, Halle (Saale), Germany
Andreas Schlüter, Soziologe, Berlin, Germany wipokuli
Ulrich Boje, Dipl.-Ing., Berlin, Germany
Michael Will, Consultant, Neustrelitz
Lothar Ehrat, Rentner, Berlin, Germany
Egon A. W. Russ, Privatier, Lichtenfels-Weingarten, Germany
Herbert Kussin, Rentner, Potsdam, Germany
Ralph Hartmann, Autor, Berlin, Germany
Jürgen Zumpe, Wallhausen, Germany
Thomas Trenk, Tischler, Paderborn, Germany
Uwe Bresack, Fotograf, Bad Düben, Germany
Peter Wanninger, Buchholz, Germany
Ulrich Fiedler, Rentner, Halle/Saale, Germany
Olaf Zuberbühler, Staufen, Switzerland
Lutz Lehmann, Ex-Clown Gino Pepino, Krankerwagenfahrer, Berlin, Germany
Siegfried Reinhold, dipl. Ing. (FH), Sundhagen, Germany
Alex Julier, Techniker/ Musiker, Berlin, Germany
Helmut Stecher, selbständig, Pfunds, Austria
Thomas Peuschel, Hartenstein, Germany
Franz Roman, Industriemechaniker, Dresden, Germany
Erich Strauch, Mannheim, Germany
Klaus Schröder, Rentner, Erfurt, Germany
Torsten Nitsche, selbst. Mediengestalter, Rostock, Germany
Robert Kappen, Rentner, Bochum, Germany
Rudolf Grollmisch, Rentner, Grimmelshausen, Germany
Bärbel Heinemann, Lehrerin, Lübeck, Germany
Rita Maidorn, Rentnerin, Berlin, Germany
Kim Lambertz, Korschenbroich, Germany
Jochen Scholz, Berlin, Germany
Ulrike Spurgat, Oldenburg, Germany
Heinz Eckel, Berlin, Germany
Thomas Pelte, Lehrer a.D., Berlin, Germany
Artur Rippien, Kassel, Germany
Bela Bogdan, Dipl.-Phys., Hannover, Germany
Niko Mavromatis, Arbeiter, Sindelfingen, Germany
Andreas Schubert, Kunstmaler / Rentner, Oberlungwitz
Abdelilah Laassoule, selbstständig, Remscheid, Germany
Jens Fischer, Kaufmann, Rotterode, Germany
Frank-Eckart Fussan, Dipl.-Ing., Meißen, Germany
Christine Tilsner,Teutschenthal, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
Ingeborg Lieberam, Pensionistin, Wien, Austria
Steffen Schwarz, Diplom Informatiker, selbstständig, Dresden, Germany
Andreas Henning, Lübeck, Germany
Uwe Walz, Rentner, Berlin, Germany
Franz Sellenslagh, electrical engineer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Udo Blankenburg, Dipl. Jurist / Rentner, Berlin, Germany
Wilfried Hintersatz, Görlitz, Germany
Norma Uhlich, Wien, Austria
Maria Elisabeth Zander, Rentnerin, Hürth, Germany
Udo Weinand, Handwerker, Friesenhagen, Germany
Francis Sipa, München, Germany
Bert Bläske, Gosen, Germany
Michael Kamper, Graz, Austria
Holger Rix, Wilhelmshaven, Germany
Peter Schuster, Elektriker, Wald-Michelbach, Germany
Michael Gallasch, Neuhausen/Spree, Germany
Peter Löke, Schöneck, Germany
Edeltraut Wiegand, Vetschau, Brandenburg, Germany
Dr. Jan Sandel, Tierarzt, Biberach, Germany
Anke Lippasson, Diplom-Sozialpädagogin, Neubrandenburg, Germany
Ralf Nehry, Sozialpädagoge, Rostock, Germany
Jörg Huemer, Austria
Frank Dühlmeyer, Nürnberg, Germany
Kay Lange, Bad Oldesloe, Germany
Cornelia Schulz, Berlin, Germany
Markus Engel, Sissach, Switzerland
Marius Jag, Heilbronn, Germany
Jens Pfüller, Angestellter, Leipzig, Germany
Heinz-Hermann, Rotenburg, Germany
Andreas Höhne, Arbeiter, Fehrbellin, Germany
Hans-Peter Köhn, Kinesiologe/Sozialmanager, Potsdam, Germany
Tamara Stach, Erzieherin, Hamburg, Germany
Kraus Volker, Zell, Germany
Prof. Dr. Ludwig Koller, Reinbek, Germany
Vital Alesch, Argratist, Künstler, Switzerland
Thomas Neumann, Vertriebsleiter Europa, Oschersleben, Germany
Bernd Michael Grosch, Autor, Freilassing, Germany Blog
Franz Auer, Rentner, Waging, Bayern, Germany
Udo Weber, Dipl.agr.Ing., Malschwitz, Germany
Rainer Zink, Isolierer, Georgenthal, Germany
Jeannette Gelbert, Ärztin, Köln, Germany
Camillo Hochreiner, Künstler, Salzburg, Austria
Peter Grieser, Schorndorf, Germany
Wolfgang Mamsch, Sicherheitsingenieur, Loburg OT Wahl, Germany
Marco Hinz, Holthusen, Germany
Marie Hanulak, Berlin, Germany
Daniel Rotzinger, Rentner, Pristina, Kosovo
Henryk Gelbert, Zahnarzt, Köln, Germany
Jens Kaßler, Potsdam, Germany
Inis Puhlmann, selbstständig, Rietz-Neuendorf, Germany
Siegfried Pallad, Rentner, Hoyerswerda, Germany
Axel Schulz, Ingenieur, Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany
Heide Pallad, Rentnerin; Hoyerswerda, Germany
Achim Schlegel, Warthausen, Germany
Dietmar Pfaender, Techniker, Aichtal, Germany
Harald Zimmermann, Freiberg, Germany
Heidi Miller, Puerto de la Cruz, Spain
Bernd Böttcher, Arbeiter, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany
Prof. Eugen Polus, Pianist, Heidelberg, Germany
Lidia Burghardt, Lehrerin, Braunschweig, Germany
Christian Dullo, Hochschulprofessor, Kiel, Germany
Wolfgang Stöhr, Supervisor & Coach, Raubling, Bayern
Hans-Joachim Petzol, Rentner, Aland OT Krüden, Germany
Erik Manthey, Dipl.Wirtschaftsingenieur (FH), Schwedt, Brandenburg, Germany
Kirsten Gantzel-Bobsien, Mutter, Timmaspe, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Peter Peissig, Nürnberg, Germany
Andreas Keck, Techniker, Antdorf, Germany
Kar Boštjan, Wien, Austria
Wolfgang Köhler, Rudolstadt, Germany
Thomas Schröter, selbst. Ingenieur, Berlin, Germany
Jürgen Budach, Rentner, Plessa, Germany
Siegfried Schreiber, Dipl.-Ing., Bremen, Germany
Ines Nas, Wien, Austria
Hans-Martin Hoyer, Rentner, Sangerhausen, Germany
Gottfried Bruer, Rentner, Babst, Germany
Bodo Knifka, Rentner, Ransbach-Baumbach, Germany
Peter Reschka, Musiker, Augsburg, Germany
Sven Körner, Dresden, Germany
Günter Magro, Rentner, Pfaffenhofen, Germany
Alfons Hebling, München, Germany
Xaver Zierl, Regensburg, Germany
Sophie Ostermann, Rentnerin, Königsbrunn, Germany
David Wranecke, Lübeck, Germany
Carsten Wölk, Glasbläser/Rentner, Berlin, Germany
Stefan Hauenstein, Diesdorf, Germany
Jörg Streese, Angestellter, Am Mellensee, Germany
Karl-Friedrich Schrodetzki, Rentner, Rudolstadt, Germany
Anne-Kathrin Wölk, Abiturientin, Berlin, Germany
Jens Brilloff, Zeuthen, Germany
Rogerio Reinecke, Tischler, Berlin, Germany
Ullrich Franz, Ingenieur, Chemnitz, Germany
Dieter Lang, Rentner, Mohlsdorf-Teichwolframsdf, Germany
Andreas Franz, Busfahrer, Berlin, Germany
Udo Bielagk, Künstler, Vetschau, Germany
Anne Pries, pensioniert, Leiden, Niederlande
Klaus Schröder, Erfurt, Germany
Wolfgang Stetter, Messtechniker, Stuttgart, Germany
Sylke Lückmann, Riedlingen, Germany
Christian Baumeister, Rentner, Cottbus, Germany
Jörg Sigmunczyk, Potsdam, Germany
Siegfried Steingrüber, Bauingenieur/Rentner, Weida, Germany
Kristina Groth, Hamburg, Germany
Uwe Bobach, Limbach-Oberfrohn, Germany
Christa Huwig, Rentnerin, Kenzingen, Germany
Jochen Winter, Berlin, Germany
Bernd Wojtynek, Rentner, Magdeburg, Germany
Maik Schulze, Angestellter, Sömmerda, Germany
Dr. Roswitha Rietschel–Kluge, Rentnerin, Oberursel, Germany
Jörg Knebel, Coffs Harbour, Australia
Clemens Maronn, Riedstadt, Germany
Peter Sedunko, Pensionist, Vösendorf, Austria
Uwe Giebner, Berlin, Germany
Claudia Schuh, Wadern, Germany
Peter Morcinietz, Feinoptiker, Gera, Germany
Arndt Beckmann, Tornesch, Germany
Detlef Krüger, Dipl. Bauingenieur, Schöneiche, Brandenburg, Germany
Günter Watzek, Lehrer/Rentner, Beetzendorf, Germany
Claudia Scho, Dipl.Ing. Tecklenburg, Germany
Heinrich Lenz, Imker, Bremen, Germany
Anton Moos, Fotokünstler, Horgen, Switzerland
Karl-Wilhelm Ruhmann, Rentner, Erfurt, Germany
Holger Ruletzki, selbstständig, Schönfließ, Brandenburg, Germany
Dr. Andreas Döhler, Tierarzt, Dahlen, Germany
Johannes Kapouranis, Kraichtal, Germany
Franz Koller, Malermeister, Raubling, Germany
Dr.Delia Pop, Ärztin, Neunkirchen, Germany
Rainer Herold, Feinoptiker, Oberkochen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Rainer Ahrenberg, Dipl-Ing., Aichach, Bayern, Germany
Marietta Casanova Flores, Betreuungskraft, Vaihingen a.d. Enz, Germany
Christa Senberg, Knitting for peace, Zossen, Germany
Matthias Scho, Tecklenburg, Germany
Michael Zander, GWI-Meister, Berlin, Germany
Horst Remest, Neubrandenburg, Germany
David Rommel, Naturarzt, Winterthur, Schweiz
Marjo Streese, Neuruppin, Germany
Hilmar Frötschner, Wäschenbeuren, Germany
Silvana Döring, Alltagsbegleiter für demente Senioren, Wiesbaden, Germany
Marius Massong, Korschenbroich, Germany
Christine Ligner,Ärztin, Birkenwerder, Brandenburg, Germany
Ingo Ringsleben, Berlin, Germany
Jürgen Lorenz, Dresden, Germany
Radojka Schlegel , Rentner, Kronberg, Germany
Willi Hoffmeister, Rentner, Dortmund, Germany
Alexandra Borchardt, Berlin, Germany
Franziska Gärtner, selbständig, Flintsbach, Germany
Ingeborg Kuphal, Altenpflegerin, Lüneburg, Germany
Else Heiermann, Pensionärin, Duisburg, Germany
Karl Leiter, Heidelberg, Germany
Rainer Dhonau, Techn. Betriebswirt, Langenlonsheim, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Christian Franz, u.a. Trainer, Berlin, Germany
Jürgen Zander, Rechtsanwalt, Hameln, Germany
Armin Tausch, München, Germany
Ursula Weckherlin, freelancer, Stuttgart, Germany
Michael Skoruppa, Rentner, Hinte, Germany
Hugo Muggler, Retiree, Speicher AR, Switzerland
Jörg Pliquett, Dietzenbach, Germany
Elisabeth Stecher, Pfunds, Austria
Wolfgang Hobeck, Berlin, Germany
Johannes Roske, Schneeberg, Germany
Irene Marcinkowski, Rentnerin, Neubrandenburg, Germany
Jann Benneker, Davos, Switzerland
Volker Kuntzsch, Busfahrer, Altlandsberg, Germany
Johannes Roske, Schneeberg, Germany
Klaus Schneider, Oppenheim, Germany
Juergen Schropp, Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany
Christa Heidecke, Autorin, Kiel, Germany
Dr. Jan D. Maaß, HNO Arzt, Buxtehude, Germany
Michael Lingner, Jurist, Berlin, Germany
Maik Schrumpf, Mensch (Künstler), Burgscheidungen, Germany
Vera Rehm, Berlin, Germany
Mario Schelter, Rentner, Berlin, Germany
Silke Thon, München, Germany
Franz Vetter, Handelsvertreter, Rohrbach, Germany
Margita Müller, Rentnerin, Kreuztal, NRW, Germany
Heidi Kloor, Seniorenvertretung Tempelhof-Schöneberg von Berlin, Germany
Jürgen Engelhard, Grafiker / Künstler, Elchesheim-Illingen, Germany
Danny Czernig, Münster, Germany
Mario Schelter, Berlin, Germany
Benno Thiel, Immobilienfachwirt, Rostock
Bettina Ehler, Bad Kreuznach, Bad Kreuznach
Lana Srour, Selbstständig/Online Handel, Bad Sobernheim
Grit Müller-Jarschel, Sekretärin, Berlin
Müller-Jarschel, Grit
Christoph Sziel, Rentner, Mainhardt
Stefan Zettler, Grafiker, Berlin
Marietta Dahnke, Techn. Angestellte, Himmelpforten, Germany
Hans-Peter Koehler, Winzer, Alzey-Heimersheim, Germany
Rose Rombold, Stuttgart, Germany
Andreas Fischer, Dokumentarist/Rentner, Steg/Tösstal, Switzerland
Doris Stehle, Physiotherapeutin, Geslau, Germany
Karl Rohrberg, Rentner, Erfurt, Germany
Manfred Helmecke, Rentner, Magdeburg, Germany
Heinz Scheidhauer, Fredersdorf/Vogelsdorf, Germany
Birgit Hoppe, Grünwald, Germany
Manfred Helmecke, Rentner, Magdeburg, Germany
Holger Thomas, Bernburg, Germany
Uwe Noack, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany
Alfred Spieler, Berlin, Germany
Christel Hobeck, Rentnerin, Markomannen, Germany
Hartmut Meier, Bauingenieur, Markomannen, Germany
Klaus Röth, Rentner in Grundsicherung, Weiterstadt, Hessen, Germany
Rolf Plessner, pensionierter Lehrer, Siegen, Germany
Erika Stiebert, Rentnerin, Bad Orb, Germany
Frieder Fielitz, Lindau, Germany
Max Goltz, Berlin, Germany
Herbert Rubisch, Berlin, Germany
Christa Borschke, Wien, Austria
Walter Rippert, Völkermarkt, Austria
Mirjana Frieß, Berlin, Germany
Monika Braun, Hausfrau, Friedrichsdorf, Germany
Gerd Vogel, Müncheberg, Germany
Heri Kochen, Hamburg, Germany
Dr. Bernd Kolkwitz, Erwerbsunfähigkeitsrenter, Finsterwalde, Germany
Mircov Ursula, Rentnerin, Leverkusen, Germany
Fritz Balke, Berlin, Germany
Marion Kreysig, Dresden, Germany
Werner Griebel, Rentner, Bernau, Brandenburg
Michael Landmann, Dipl.-Ing., Berlin
Reinhard Knopf, Surin, Thailand
Simone Eckert, selbständig, Königs Wusterhausen, Germany
Rainer Albinus, Diplom-Afrikanist/Ökonom, Berlin, Germany
Kriemhild Natmeßnig, Feldkirchen, Austria
Sonja Münnich, Spremberg, Germany
David Wranecke, Lübeck, Germany
Thomas Hofmann, Leutnant zur See a.D., Bergen auf Rügen, Germany
Gertrud Nehls, Hagen, Westfalen, Germany
Sabine Wölk, Bankkauffrau, Berlin, Germany
Gaby Freising, Rott, Germany
Zsuzsanna Schrag, Muri b. Bern, Switzerland
Torsten Franz, Angestellter, Berlin, Germany
Dr. med. Helmut Käss, Arzt, Braunschweig, Germany Blog
Sieglinde Franz, Verkäuferin, Berlin, Germany
Eckhardt Herrnberger, Langenfeld, Germany
Jürgen Stelzner, Berlin, Germany
Heide Janicki, Rentnerin, Braunschweig, Germany
Herbert Rhomberg, Beamter/Ruhestand, Bregenz, Ausria
Dr. Heidrun Eckert, Lindau/B., Germany
David Wranecke, Lübeck, Germany
Fred Schramm, Hausverwalter, Kloster Lehnin, Germany
Anna Latacz, Kauffrau, Bielefeld, Germany
Renate Möller, Berlin, Germany
Andreas Becker, Böblingen, Germany
James Walter, Vienna, Austria
Wolfgang Herzig, Rentner, Oberst a.D., Germany
Monika Braun, Friedrichsorf, Germany
Nicola Trostorff, Tagesmutter, Braunschweig, Germany
Heinz Albrecht, München, Germany
Schahla Blum, Stadtplanerin, Stuttgart, Germany
Kilian Eckle, Kassel, Germany
Karl Goeritz, Tischler, Merzenich, Germany
Bernd Ebert, IT-Admin im Unruhestand, Berlin, Germany
Hans Christange, Jurist, Cottbus, Germany
Dieter Malchow, Berlin, Germany
Stefan Kytzia, Netztwerkadministrator, Offenbach, Germany
Rainer Hecht, Fachkrankenpfleger für Intensivmedizin, Niederneisen, Germany Web
Christa Steinert, Pflegefachfrau, Voerde, Germany
Thomas Schenk, Journalist, Chemnitz, Germany
Graziano Rocci, Ravensburg, Germany
Ursula Rocci, Ravensburg, Germany
Hans-Jürgen Metzner, Rentner, Markkleeberg, Germany
Hans-Jürgen Jahre, Hauptmann a.D., Rentner, Leipzig, Germany
Elke Schuster, Regisseurin, Schauspielerin, Berlin, Germany
Marion Denk, Fürth, Germany
Beate Gadorosi, Remseck, Germany
Anna Baumann, Steuergehilfin, München, Germany
Monika Dullo, selbständig, Kiel, Germany
Ullrich Karutz, Dipl.-Psychologe, Düsseldorf, Germany
Diny Vos, Groningen, Netherlands
Helga Sieber, Pensionär, Lilhac, France
Hans-Martin Knapp, Übersetzer, Gütersloh, Germany
Imke Meyer, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Julia Gärtner, Raubling, Germany
Irene Kolbinger, München, Germany
Wolfgang Thomas, Schreiner, Hünxe, Germany
Pöhm Emmerich, Rektor a.D., Tittmoning, Germany
Dr. Michael Koellisch, Arzt, Braunschweig, Germany
Vladislav Krasnov, Prof., Alexandria, USA
Helene+Dr.Ansgar Klein, OStRäte a.D.,Würselen, Germany
Lillyann Cremer, Bad Neuemahr, Germany
Dr.-Ing. Wolfhart Müller, Freiberg, Germany
Simona Wolfer, Ladenbug, Germany
Beate Händel, Marratxi, Spain
Brigitte Jaschke, Berlin, Germany
Peter Wegner, Berlin, Germany
Ulrich Alpers, Bibliothekar, Esslingen, Germany
Sven Körner, Dresden, Germany
Chet Zebroski, Ignacio, California, USA
Marie-Françoise Cordemans, Brüssel, Belgium
Jörg Müller, Karlsruhe, Deutschland, Germany
Veronika Thomas-Ohst, Rentnerin, Aachen, Germany
Brigitte Kirner, St. Valentin-Landschach, Austria
Ursula Mauch, Sindelfingen, Germany
Anna Gudera, Buchhändlerin, Oppenheim, Germany
Kristian Martens, Berlin, Germany
Roland Feustel, Würzburg, Germany
Jürgen Günther, Berlin, Germany
Hans Klitzschmüller, Dipl. Ing.(FH), Weißenfels, Germany
Jörg Wachmer, Waldbrunn (Ww), Germany
Bernd Neuner, Frankfurt, Germany
Helmut Büch, Dipl.-Ing., Gifhorn, Germany
Karsten Seel, IT-Support, Salzwedel, Germany
Thomas Wohlfeil, Hausmeister, Neufahrn, Germany
Jürgen David, Dipl.Ing./Renter, Pöhl, Germany
Horst Witzel, Rechtsanwalt, Ronneburg, Hessen, Germany
Michael Fliegner, Künstler, Mühldorf, Germany
Harry Popow, Schöneiche b. Bln., Diplomjournalist, Rentner, Germany
Eckhard Schmidt, Brechen, Germany
Heidrun Schrooten, Hünxe, Germany
Robert Irkhardt, Kumhausen, Germany
Hans Schumann, Rentner/ Oberstleutnant a.D., Berlin, Germany
Hannah Schönig, Duisburg, Germany
Arianna Carciofo, Lehrerin, Berlin / Bologna, Germany
Joachim, Penseler, Bernau, Germany
Volker Kortz, Lokführer, Oberhausen, Germany
Bettina Kortz, Senior Coach, Oberhausen, Germany
Barbara Birkle, Diplompädagogin, Hanau, Germany
Alfred Müller, Schwerin, Germany
Ralf Locke, Dipl.-Ing., Chemnitz, Germany
Jürgen Vogelsang, Rentner, Chemnitz, Germany
Marc Steiner, Verkaufsleiter, Montabaur, Germany
Tim Mader, Berlin, Germany
Hans-Jürgen Witt, Rentner, Raduhn, Mecklenburg, Germany
Frank Tröger, Chemnitz, Germany
Ulrich Hörberg, Frankfurt, Germany
Jürgen Hönicke, Löbau, Germany
Gisela Kluge, Rentner, Chemnitz, Germany
Thomas Abel , Freiberg, Germany
Berndt Zander, Pensionär, Süderheistedt, Germany
Karl-Heinz Vinzelberg, Rentner, Dedeleben, Germany
Dr. Karl-Heinz Wollner, Burgstädt, Germany
Werner Johannes, Berlin, Germany
Jürgen Kauschitz, Installateur und Heizungsbauer, Bochum, Germany
Harald Friese, Rentner, Köln, Germany
Dario Filipovic, Wien, Österreich
Nina Malova, Rentnerin, Kaluga (Russia)
Martin Birkle, Hanau, Germany
Olaf Göpfert, Dipl.Ing., Hösbach, Germany
Dr. A. Herrmann, Rentnerin, Frankfurt, Germany
Dr. Helga Lemme, Kinderärztin, Leipzig, Germany
Judith Schreiner, Oberhaching, Germany
Angelika Weinmann, Lehrerin, Überlingen, Germany
Ulrich Wünsch, Rentner, Hohenstein-Ernstthal, Germany
Claudia Hinz, Bad Vilbel, Freidenker Frankfurt a.M., Germany
Horst Dormann, Rastede, Germany
Uwe Riedel, Web-Developer, Burgstädt, Germany
Uwe Houfek, Handwerker, Dresden, Germany
Raphaela H. Langenberg, Gärtner, Labenz, Germany
Roland Schmidt, Mannheim, Germany
Christine Büch, Rentnerin, Gifhorn, Germany
Ralph Oestreicher, Dipl.-Met., Zeitz, Germany
Dr. Wolfgang Groß, Eningen u.A., Germany
Albrecht Ludloff, Freidenker Berlin, Germany
Karola Käbisch, selbständig, Mügeln, Germany
Herbert Zettler, Dipl.Ingenieur, Bad Waldsee, Germany
Susanne Ute Christine Breitenbach, Berlin, Germany
Csilla Horvath, Berlin, Germany
Ralf Leipold, Röderland, Germany
Thomas Werner, Kaufmann, Nürnberg kalemegdan-disk.
Frank Lampe, Friedensaktivist, Woerthsee, Germany
Barbara Fichtner, München, Germany
Gisela Pietrzak, Hamburg, Germany
Xaver Hengl, Chemnitz, Germany
Dr. Vera Rothenberg, Ärztin, Neu Isenburg, Germany
Josephine Thomas, Burgstädt
Klaus Hewicker, Wolfsburg, Germany
Marcel Jansen, Simmerath, Germany
Gerd Beyer, Berlin, Germany
Jörg Fischer, Braunschweig, Germany
Eduard Dobbelstein, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Klaus-Peter Kurch, Blogger, Oranienburg Blog
Cilly Keller, Diplom-Ingenieur, Leipzig, Germany
Angelika Thom, Dresden, Germany
Gerd Thom, Dresden, Germany
Manfred Schollmeyer, Tischler, Kassel, Germany
Marco Kulhanek, Harth-Pöllnitz, Germany
René Senenko, Norderstedt, Germany
Helmut Nater, Rentner, Leipzig, Germany
Josef Börgers, Bad Griesbach, Germany
Markus Detzner, Berlin, Germany
Martin Kasberger, Kunsttherapeut, Freiburg, Germany
Torsten Trentzsch, Dipl.-Inform. (FH), Meißen, Germany
Dieter Hecht, Rentner, Chemnitz, Germany
Dimitri Paderow, Winsen, Germany
Ralf Rodatus, Berlin, Germany
Lars Rungwerth, Coach / Trainer, Germany
Berndt Großer, Rentner, Hainichen, GermanyFörderverein RotFuchs
Kay Straßer, Psychotherapeut, Berlin
Günter Steigerwald, Kinderpsychotherap, Germanyeut, Möfelden-Walldorf, Germany
Birgit Kretzschmar, Rentner, Hainichen, Germany
Michael Meisel, Dülmen, Germany
Katrin Bronsert, Altenpflegerin, Biesenthal, Germany
Silke Anicker, Psychotherapeutin, Münster, Germany
Dr. med. Mechthild Klingenburg-Vogel, Ärztin, Psychoanalytikerin, Kiel
Wolfgang Garbers, Angestellter, Hamm, Germany
Ivo Raschke, Psychologe, Berlin, Germany
Rainer Weber Thammasut, Ruhestand, Werl-Hilbeck, Germany
Gunnar Kluger, Meister f. Feinwerktechnik, Berlin, Germany
Günter Schmidt, Rentner, Chemnitz, Germany
Lutz Lippke, Berlin, Germany
Renate Weinbrecht, Rentnerin, Chemnitz, Germany
Ute Welke, Rostock, Germany
Kitty Voigt, Psychotherapeutin, Berlin, Germany
Albrecht Schmiedel, Informatiker, Berlin, Germany
Roland Winkler, Dipl.-Ing./ Ruhestand, Aue, Germany
Reiner Radfelder, Droyßig, Germany
Michael Weinkauff, Arzt, Ravensburg, Germany
Denis Rancourt, Researcher, Ontario Civil Liberties Association, Ottawa, Canada Web
Monika Gaspers, Lehrerin für Pflegeberufe, Mürlenbach
Anja Daniel, Musikerin, Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Alkadri Zoubida, Pharmacist, Farmington Hills, USA
Kathrin Ströhl, Vertrieb, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Barbara Dworok-Szopa, Wien, Österreich
Karen Rodman, Clergy, retired civil servant, human rights advocate, Toronto, Canada
Yasemin Cakir, Hausfrau, Hofheim, Deutschland, Germany
Andrew Silvera, Minehead, United Kingdom
Rael Nidess, Physician (retired), Marshall, TX, USA
Raimon Brete, Chemnitz, vorm. Karl-Marx-Stadt, Germany
Beat Wick, Baar, Schweiz
Gudrun Peters, Berlin, Germany
Harald Balzus, Ausbilder, Eisenhüttenstadt, Germany
Holger Groehn, Kaufm. Angestellter, Königstein, Germany
Fabian Graser, Sozialarbeiter, Waal, Germany
Nora Peters, Schreibcoach, Hoppegarten, Brandenburg, Germany
Dr. Renate Geiser, Internistin, Randersacker, Germany
Sigrid Beier, Gronau, Germany
Volker Warmuth, Dresden, Germany
Dieter Ammer, Chemnitz. vormals Karl-Marx-Stadt, Germany
Fred D. Schlicke, Rentner, Dresden, Germany
Bernd Feilke, Chemnitz, Germany
Thomas Göbel, Regensburg, Germany
Rita Abert, Rentnerin, Berlin, Germany
Prof. Dr. Michael Schulte, Arzt, Rotenburg, Germany
Johannes Heemann, lawyer & tax accountant, Dresden, Germany
Gabriele Braun, Berlin, Germany
Steffen Ueckert, Versicherungsmakler, Berlin, Germany
J. Goodacre, London, United Kingdom
Laura Dylla, Adkins, USA
Hans Schneidewind, Magdeburg, Germany
Thomas Radszuweit, Elmshorn, Germany
Liz Douglas, London, England
Konni Schmidt, Vorsitzender Bike for peace and New Energies e. V. Kaiserslautern, Germany
Eileen Foulner, Edinburgh, Scotland UK
Jörn-Steffen Albrecht, Angestellter, Berlin, Germany
Horst Lahrmann, Maschinenbau Ingenieur, Anklam, Germany
Juergen Trost, Künstler / Lehrer /LaborArt-orist, Bochum, Germany
Philipp Rothkirch, Musiker, Berlin, Germany
Arkis S. Krayl, Bildender Künstler, Zimmern, Germany
Doris Brunkert, Musiktherapeutin, Bäk, Germany
Alwine Ertl, Taufkirchen, Germany
Margot Kohlhas-Erlei, Rentnerin, Hamm, Germany
Frieder Beinrucker, Königs Wusterhausen, Brandenburg, Germany
Mick Clark, Bishops Castle, United Kingdom
Muhammad Noor, Islamabad, Pakistan
Bernd Kudanek, Berlin, Germany
Kerstin Kaphle, Falkensee, Germany
Ulrike Simon, Kirchhain, Germany
Ludwig Janus, ärztlicher Psychotherapeut, Dossenheim, Germany
Juliane Baxmann, Paderborn, Germany
Anne Varsamis, Psychotherapeutin, Köln, Germany
Christine Ligner, Ärztin, Birkenwerder, Brandenburg, Germany
Michael Schlicke, Staatswissenschaftler/selbständig, Rosenthal-Bielathal, Germany
Karen Sharpe, Paris, France
Hannelore Blättermann, Rentnerin, Berlin, Germany
Christoph Mohs, Stuttgart, Germany
Holger Banzhaf, Gengenbach, Germany
H.D. Ammer, Chemnitz, Germany
Falk Träger, Sayda, Germany
Herbert J. Hoffman, Albuquerque, United States
Milena Bornkamm, München, Germany
Monika Kremmer, Lehrerin, Berlin, Germany
Robert Antelmann, Berlin, Germany
Maria Deters, Sozialarbeiterin, Wippingen, Germany
G. Gibson, Independent Eccentric, Portland, United States
Jake Sparroe, Iceland
Ingeburg Gnüg, Rentnerin, Erfurt, Thüringen, Germany
Rosi Lehner, Winterthur, Schweiz
Ingrid Dröhmer, Messel, Germany
Thomas Uehlken, Ingenieur, Königslutter, Germany
Wolfgang Pöcher, Produktions-Ingenieur, Feldkirchen, Kärnten
Konrad Pfleger, Felixdorf, Österreich
Marvin Jaeger, Garten-Landschaftsgärtner, Fuldabrück, Germany
Tim Hogrefe, Böhme, Germany
Walter Zylla, Rentner, Reiskirchen, Deutschland web
Helmut Otto Rabisch, Maler/Grafiker, Dresdenv, Germany
Inna Davydov, Athens, Greece
Roger König, Kotezicken, Österreich
Karin A., Facheris, selbständig, Merenschwand, Schweiz
Aleksandr Semjonov, Mathematiker, Hamburg, Deutschland
Karin Kötzner, Königswinter, Germany
Erika Zeun, Rentnerin, Cranzahl, Erzgebirge, Germany
Klaus Zeun, Cranzahl, Erzgebirge, Germany
Julia Simann, Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany
Thomas Stockmann, Industriemechaniker, Germany
Arndt Spindler, Freiberg/Sa., Germany
Peter Mueller, Musiker, Zürich, Schweiz
Bernd Schulz, Berlin, Germany
Elfi Littmann, Leon, Nicaragua
Leonid Chernikov, Pensioner, Hamburg, Germany
Karl Stuetzel, Weingarten, Germany
Eva Engelhardt, Bankkauffrau, Cottbus, Germany
Rita Abert, Rentnerin, Berlin, Germany
Christian Maeles, Rentner, Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany
Mario Otto, Jena, Germany
Erwin Schneeberger, Techniker, Graz, Österreich
Jan Patterson, Upholland, Uk
Irene Eckert, Potsdam, Germany
Elke Ruhnow, Ruhnow-Jokl Andreas, Berlin, Germany
Raymond Fredette, retired professor, Montreal, Canada
Juliette Sayegh, Geneva, Switzerland
Abdel-Majid Zeinat, Geneva, Switzerland
François Charbonneau, Retraité, Montréal, Canada
Samy Yildirim, Physiker, Zaandam, Niederlande
Steffen Schwarz, Dipl. Informatiker, selbstständig, Dresden, Germany
Felix Weigel, Roth, Germany
Simone Tschuden, Dresden, Germany
Lydia und Gotthard Findeisen, Dürrröhrsdorf-Dittersbach, Germany
Dieter Schröpcke, Berlin, Germany
Roland Fleischer, Chemnitz, Germany
Thomas Plugge, Freelancer, Stuttgart, Germany
Bernd Wiemann, Dokumentar, Essen, Germany
Isabell Berger, Weimar, Germany
Hans-Ulrich Walter, Rentner und Ehrenamtler, Leipzig – Gohlis, Germany
Dr. Erika Kosse, Berlin, Germany
Ulrike Sokuk, Buchhändlerin, Solingen, Germany Leselebenszeichen Blog
Ariane Widmer, St.Louis, France
Niseema Broos, Kräuterpädagogin, Kall, Germany
Claus Trabold, Billerbeck, Germany
Heinrich Kerstin, Dipl.Ing., Bautzen, Germany
Günther Wassenaar, Lehrer i.R., Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany
Ingrid Fischer, Bad Laer, Germany
Joachim Bonatz, Berlin, Germany
Bernhard Nolz, Friedenspreisträger, Pädagog*innen Siegen, Germany
Christian Maeles, Rentner, Leipzig, Germany
Gisela Hess-Hatting, Rentnerin/Autorin, Viöl, Germany
Dr. Dirk Petry, Physiker, München, Germany
Sabiene Jahn, Künstlerin, Kommunikationswirtin, Koblenz, Germany
Rolf Künster, Druckingenieur, Koblenz, Germany
Annette Rasche, Stuttgart, Germany
Holger Förster, Berlin, Germany
Evelyn Atik, Fraissé des Corbères, France
Dr. Andreas J. Bittner, Chemiker, Bielefeld, Germany
Reinhold Siegers, Diplom Betriebswirt, Mönchengladbach, Germany
Herbert Müller, Rentner, Werben, Germany
Silvia Schwald, Rheinfelden, Germany
Roland W. Frank, Systemanalytiker, Schmitten, Germany
Reinhard Herwig, Dresden, Germany
Ilona Dittmar, Pflegeassistentin, Hamburg, Germany
Lydia Reumund, Dresden, Germany
Hans Schneidewind, Magdeburg, Germany
Wolfgang Hobeck, Rentner, Berlin, Germany
Helmut Grothe, Rentner, Dresden, Germany
Franz Thomann, Pensionist, Klagenfurt – Viktring, Austria
Bojan Ojstersek, Lokführer, Hamminkeln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Jörg Scharfenberger, Landau, Germany
Bernd Kudanek, Berlin, Germany
Jan Baldauf, Intensiv-Krankenpfleger, Freiburg/Brsg., Germany
Stephanus Schmiedel, Arzt, Ebsdorfergrund, Germany
Wolfgang Fehse, Berlin, Germany
Felix Weigel, Roth, Germany
Eberhard Schinck, Bad Feilnbach, Rentner, Germany
Hanne List-Weidler, Nürnberg, Germany
Martin Kusior, Cottbus, Ingenieur, Germany
Fabian Peter, Student, Sinsheim, Germany
Hartmut Weidler, Geigenbaumeister, Nürnberg, Germany
Peter Brecht, Weinsberg, Germany
Michaela Hezel, Primarschullehrerin, Eupen, Belgium
Felix Weigel, Roth, Germany
Rolf Teuchert, Hamburg, Germany
Karl Jungnickel, Rentner, Bobritzsch-Hilbersdorf, Germany
Stefan Schwach, Nürnberg, Germany
Roland Wenzel, physician, Nordhausen, Germany
Call to support the German #Aufstehen (#Standup) Movement
The world is at a critical turning point. The destructive Western policy of unilateral military interventions, illegal regime change and economic sanctions increases the danger of military escalation, while ruthless financial exploitation and environmental degradation are destabilizing entire regions and creating millions of refugees.
The time has come to unite against this threat to humanity. Respect for the principles of sovereignty, self-determination, non-interventionism and social justice must be restored, and compliance with international law must be a top priority. We must be united in voice and action.
As supporters of World Beyond War, a global movement to end all wars, we appeal to the international community to support #Aufstehen (#StandUp), a new social renewal movement launched in Germany that seeks to advance peace, social justice and global cooperation. The movement is a cross-party project that supports the concept of a peaceful, multipolar world. Just two months after its start, more than 150,000 German citizens have pledged their support, including numerous personalities in science, politics and culture.
#Aufstehen connects with progressive European and global organizations to re-energize a divided Left and Peace movement, pushing back against neoliberalism and the rising tide of right-wing populism. Directly inspired by #Aufstehen, the Patria e Costituzione – Sinistra di Popolo movement has just been launched in Italy. Other allies include the La France Insoumise party of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Momentum from the Britain’s Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn and progressive movements in the Americas.
#Aufstehen maps out a new progressive, political direction that empowers citizens who feel ignored, unrepresented and betrayed by their political leaders to contribute their own ideas and organize a democratic, people’s agenda.
Some of the issues to be addressed include:
- international peace, diplomacy and détente; respecting the principles of non-intervention, non-aggression, sovereignty, human rights, and global cooperation; a non-confrontational foreign policy regarding Russia;
- opposing torture, surveillance and censorship; an end to interventionism, proxy wars, and arms exports; an end to supporting terrorism and regime change;
- halting the spread of fascism, xenophobia, racism & discrimination; fairness and accuracy in media; promoting independent & community media platforms;
- higher living wages; job safety and security; good pensions; improved elderly care & health care; affordable housing; a strong welfare state; a compassionate and fair refugee policy; free and comprehensive education;
- ending privatization of public resources; ending austerity; supporting fair trade, taxation & wealth distribution; reversing gentrification;
- the protection of the environment; clean energy; nuclear disarmament; safeguarding biodiversity;
#Aufstehen, and its counterparts in Europe, the U.S. and globally, are important movements that facilate the emergence of a peaceful, multipolar world. Whether you are a citizen of a “first or third world“ nation, we are all experiencing a convergence of the same problems and crises.
None of us can stop the war machine alone from within our own national borders. Progressive global forces must unite and mobilize worldwide for peace, justice and a world beyond war.
Here more information about #aufstehen.
To also endorse this appeal please use E-mail form below to sign or send directly to
We are supporting this appeal:
Heinrich Bücker, Berlin WBW, Coop Anti-War Café
Albert Leger, Berlin, Germany
Elke Zwinge-Makamizile, Berlin, Germany
Tomasz Kempinski, Artist, Berlin, Posnan
David Swanson, Director for World BEYOND War, author, anti-war activist, USA
Judith Bello, UNAC administrative committee, Webster, USA
Leah Bolger, chair for World BEYOND War, Veteran, anti-war activist, Oregon, U.S.
Dietrich Antelmann, Diplomkameralist, Berlin, Germany
Kristin Dooley, Director, Women Against Military Madness, Minneapolis, USA
Lindis Percy, Co-Founder, Coordinator of Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases CAAB
Wolfgang Penzholz, Author, Berlin, Germany
Frank Dorrel, Anti-War Peace Activist, Culver City, California, USA
Diana Johnstone, journalist, author, Paris, France
Greta Zarro, Organizing Director for World BEYOND War, Organic Farmer
Tim Nolan, Investigative Reporter, Saint Paul, MN, USA WorldPeaceBlog
Jovanovic Gordana, Prof. für Psychologie, Universität Belgrad, Serbien
Edward Horgan, academic researcher, Limerick, Ireland
Kyoko Tanaka, Berlin
John Morris, UK, The Peace Party – Non-violence, Justice, Environment
Ana Barbara von Keitz, Handwerkerin, Berliner Arbeitskreises Uran-Munition
Elias Werner, Erzhausen, Germany
Ekkehard Lentz, Sprecher Bremer Friedensforum
Jürgen Axmann, Werder, Physiker, Germany
Helmut Holfert, Ostdeutsches Kuratorium von Verbänden e.V. (OKV), Berlin
Paul Teschner, Jazzmusiker, Berlin, Germany
Mima Kang, Seoul, South Korea
Junghyun Yoo, Seoul, South Korea
Johannes Heemann, attorney, Dresden, Sachsen, Germany
Alicia Staufenbiel, Berlin, Germany
Kim Petersen, Harbin, China
Victor Shapinov, St. Petersburg, Russia
Wolfram Kastner, artist, München, Bayern, Germany
Robert Hunziker, Eco Warrior Journalist, Los Angeles, USA
Andreas Griewank, Professor, Berlin, Germany
Dieter Arbeiter, Berlin, Germany
Pia Planker, Duisburg, Germany
Jutta Woelk, Retired, Heikendorf, Germany
Ulrich Fiedler, Halle/Saale, Germany
TM Rotschönberg, Maler & Graphiker, Obergruna, Germany
Dittmar Schippel, retired, Wittstock, Germany
Einar Schlereth, ret. journalist, Klavreström, Sweden Website
Antonie Brinkmann, Bremen, Germany
Bärbel Heinemann, teacher, Lübeck, Germany
Bert Bläske, Gosen – Neu Zittau, Germany
Ulrich Boje, Dipl.-Ing., Berlin, Germany
Peter Unsicker, Bildhauer, Galerist, Berlin, Germany
Uwe Walz, Retired, Berlin, Germany
Uwe Giebner, Berlin, Germany
Hugo Muggler, Rentner, Speicher, Switzerland
Sylke Lückmann, Riedlingen, Germany
Bernd Kolkwitz, Rentner, Finsterwalde, Germany
Hans-Peter Koehler, Alzey-Heimersheim, Germany
Fritz Balke, Berlin, Germany
Michael Fliegner, Rentner, Mühldorf
Harry Popow, Rentner, Blogger, Autor, Schöneiche b. Bln
Heide Janicki, Rentnerin, Braunschweig, Germany
Andreas Becker, Böblingen, Germany
Heinrich Lenz, Imker, Bremen, Germany
Matthias Scho, Tecklenburg, Germany
Ursula Mircov, Rentnerin, Leverkusen, NRW / Germany
Ullrich Franz, Rentner, Chemnitz, Germany
Hanns-Ullrich Batisweiler, Amerang, Bayern, Germany
Martin Birkle, Hanau, Hessen, Germany
Barbara Birkle, Hanau, Germany
Frank Dühlmeyer, Nürnberg, Germany
Anton Moos, Horgen, Switzerland
Axel Schulz, Brandenburg, Germany
Anne-Kathrin Wölk, Berlin, Germany
Paula Hofmann, Rostock, Germany
Ursula Rocci, Ravensburg, Germany
Graziano Rocci, Ravensburg, Germany
Kriemhild Natmeßnig, Feldkirchen, Austria
Jürgen Hölzinger, Arzt, Berlin, Germany
Ulrich Hörberg, Frankfurt, Germany
Hans-Peter Zepf, Physiker, Tuttlingent, Germany
Tobias Hesse, Cottbust, Germany
Helge Böhme, Oberst a.D., Berlin, Germany
Michael Sommer, Meinersen, Germany
Veronika Thomas-Ohst, Aachen
Maria Deters, Wippingen, Germany
Fred Schlicke, Rentner, Dresden, Germany
Günter Steigerwald, Kinderpsychotherapeut, Möfelden-Walldorf, Germany
Peter Brecht, Weinsberg, Germany
Erika Zeun, Rentnerin, Sehmatal-Cranzahl, Germany
Michaela Hezel, Primarschullehrerin, Eupen, Belgium
Ute Breitenbach, Berlin, Germany
Klaus Hofmann, Rentner, Schwerin, Germany
Harald Buwert, Olching, Germany
Erwin Schneeberger, Techniker, Graz, Austria
Gisela Meinke, Berlin, Germany
Stefan Kreft, Essen, Germany
Herbert Müller, Rentner, Werben, Germany
Ute Welke, Rostock, Germany
Charles Melis, Rentner, Berlin, Germany
Leonid Chernikov, Hamburg, Germany
André Lohmar, Rentner, Berlin, Germany
Felix Weigel, Roth, Germany
Elke Schneider, Frankfurt, Germany
Else Tonke, Berlin, Germany
Helmut Semmelmann, Rentner, Berlin, Germany
Ernst Josef Püschel, Hürth, Germany
Hans-Peter Köhn, Kinesiologe, Potsdam, Germany Webseite
Karin M. Schmidl,Weigendorf, Germany
Joachim Elz-Fianda, Arzt, Nördlingen, Germany Webseite
Jürgen Suttner, Siegen, Germany
Elfriede Krutsch, Ärztin, Berlin
Heidrun Hankammer, Berlin, Germany
Jürgen Lorenz, Dresden, Germany
Hans-Jürgen Witt, Rentner, Raduhn, Mecklenburg, Germany
Walter Friedmann, Bühl, Germany
Inge Ammon, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany
Jovanovic Gordana, Prof. Psychologie, University Belgrad, Serbia
Heidrun Hankammer, Berlin, Germany
Gisela Hess-Hatting, Rentnerin/Autorin, Viöl, Germany
Johannes Werner, Berlin, Germany
Fred Schlicke, Rentner, Dresden, Germany
Franziska Gärtner, Unternehmerin, Flintsbach, Germany
Jürn-Hinrich Volkmann, Lehrer i.R.. Berlin, Germany
Reinke Fehsenfeld, Oberstudienrat, Marklohe, Niedersachsen, Germany
Monika Kremmer, Berlin, Germany
Renate Möller, graphic designer, Berlin, Germany
Hans Hiebel, retired, Graz, Austria
Uwe Houfek, Dresden, Germany
Enrico Wendt, Unternehmer, Wismar, Mecklenburg/Vorpommern, Germany
Heide Wenke, Lehrerin, Oldenburg i.O.
Herbi Mitterbacher, Binnenschiffer, Pleinting-Hofkirchen, Bayern
Wolfgang Schulz, retired, Berlin
Siegfried u. Rudolf Stejke, retired, Neustadt
Csilla Horvath, Berlin
Miriam Volkmann, Berlin
Ursula Brümann, Berlin
Wolfgang Hobeck, Rentner
Nathalie Fiedler, Karlsruhe
Gerd Mende, Dresden
E. Rasmus, retired, Berlin
Lothar Ejrst, retired, Berlin
Ann Ruthsdottir, retired designer, Brunswick, ME, USA
Peter Wigg, medical practitioner, Melbourne, Australia
Phil Runkel, Archivist, Waukesha, WI, USA
Heinrich Hochheimer, Rentner, Gaggenau
Daniel Krug, Schönberg, Sachsen, D
Alyette Ozoux, Lyon, France
Daniel Gilman, Vietnam War Veteran, Seattle, USA.
Mark Gleave, Scientist, Seattle, WA, USA
Riitta Wahlstrom, CEO, Helsinki, Finland
Ellen Barfield, volunteer peace and justice activist, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Elfriede Wallor, ret., Tarmstedt, Germany
Niklas Göpel, Hattingen, D
David Haisley, retired, Lakewood, CA, USA
James Walter, Vienna, Austria
Bernd Gnant, Rentner, Geithain, Sachsen, BRD
Manfred Führer, Offenbach am Main, Germany
Michael Fritsch-Duinkerken, München
Vera Rehm, Berlin, Germany
Dariusz Prentki, Rentner, Möhnesee, Germany
Tino Koehler, Paketbote , Ummendorf, Germany
Robert Haisley, Artist, New York, USA
Maria Eisenhut, Kosmetikerin, Offenbach, Germany
Valeria Sonda, Firenze, Italia
Charlotte Muijs, Leipzig, Germany
Hannelore Shahbazi, Freiburg, Germany
Annie McStravick, Palestine-Solidarity activist, Paris, France
Jean Bricmont, La Hulpe, Belgium
CJ Hopkins, Author, Berlin, Germany
Karen Sharpe, Paris, France
Betty McElhill, Tucson, Arizona, USA
Marc-Antoine Coppo, scientific researcher, Nice, France
Dittmar Zengerling, Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany
Klaus Deutsch-Robin, Fachkraft Umweltschutz, Köln, Germany
Miles Haisley, Teacher, Long Beach CA, USA
Ute Noelle, Elze, Germany
Rui Almeida, Dalby, Sweden Website
Markus Leuthold, Gossau ZH, Switzerland
Brigitte Krammer, Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Germany
Uwe Elgert, Stemwede, Germany
Wolfgang Trittin, Rechtsanwalt, Darmstadt, Germany
Antonie Brinkmann, Bremen, Germany
Adi Golbach, Werder, Germany
Dietrich Harloff, Ueckermünde, Germany
Marietta Hoevel, Artist, L’Aquila, Italy
Mette Kramer, Gesundheits-/Ernährungsberatung, Muenchen, BRD
Ethem Perovic, Ottobrunn, BRD
Edibe Sakallah, Stuttgart, BRD
Uwe Elgert, Stemwede, BRD
more INFOS here;

to also endorse this appeal please use E-mail form below to sign or send directly to
In January 2016 we published the first declaration „Multipolar World against War“.
Please read the appeal and the long list of international supporters here:
An Urgent Call for a Multipolar Coalition
Our world stands at a critical and dangerous juncture. The destructive policy of unilateral military intervention and illegal regime change promoted and practiced by the United States, its allies and the media has led to the possibility of a military confrontation between major world powers and nuclear-armed nations that could trigger a new World War.
The time has come to counter this grave threat to humanity. Respect must be restored to the principles of sovereignty, self-determination and non-interventionism – and the adherence to international law must be paramount.
This is an urgent call to all nations, organizations, movements and individuals worldwide, to join together in forming a coalition that seeks to avert disaster by strengthening Multipolar cooperation, peaceful diplomacy and international law, while categorically rejecting interventionism and unilateral aggression.
Do we want a Unipolar world in which Western wars dictate the world’s fate, or a Multipolar world where sovereign countries work towards an environment of peace, cooperation and mutual respect? It is clear that WE, the global majority, choose the latter.
Join us in signing, sponsoring and/or widely disseminating this declaration and all like-minded efforts.
“NO to War, YES to a Multipolar World!“
see extended version below or click here comments here
use E-mail form below or send directly to
Heinrich Buecker, Berlin, Deutschland Coop Anti-War Cafe
Albert Leger, Berlin, Germany
Brian Willson, Vietnam veteran, peace activist, USA
Laura von Wimmersperg, Moderatorin der Berliner Friedenskoordination
David Swanson, author, anti-war activist, USA
Cynthia McKinney, former U.S. Congresswoman, Green Party presidential candidate 2008, Atlanta, USA
Alfred L. Marder, New Haven, Connecticut, President, US Peace Council
David & Jan Hartsough, Peaceworker, San Francisco, California USA
Leah Bolger, Veteran and anti-war activist, Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.
Werner Lutz, initiator, 2000 Artists against the Political Right, Germany
Alexander Neu, Member of Parliament party DIE LINKE (The Left) , Cologne, Germany
Cindy Sheehan, Peaceactivist/Author/Podcast Host, Vacaville, USA website
Elke Zwinge-Makamizile, Freethinkers Berlin , Germany
BüsGM – Bündnis für Soziale Gerechtigkeit u. Menschenwürde e.V., Human Rights Organisation, Germany Webseite
Werner Ruf, Professor i. R., Edermuende, Germany
Bruce K. Gagnon, Coordinator, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Bath, Maine, USA
Inge Höger, Member of Parliament party DIE LINKE (The Left), Herford, Germany,
Alexander Ionov, President of the Anti-Globalization Movement of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Eduardo Gómez, university professor, writer, Bogotá, Colombia
Dr. Diether Dehm, Member of Parliament party DIE LINKE (The Left), Berlin, Germany,
Dr. Rainer Hammerschmidt, Berlin, Germany, Aktion Freiheit Statt Angst
J. Michael Springmann, attorney, author, Washington, D.C., USA,
Prof. Dr. Gregor Putensen, professor/retired, Greifswald , Germany
Ulla Jelpke, Bundestagsabgeordnete DIE LINKE, Berlin, Germany, Web
Fredrik S. Heffermehl, lawyer, writer, Oslo, Norway,
WAMM – Women Against Military Madness, Suzanne Al-Kayali, director, USA, website
Prof. Dave Webb, Chair of Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament CND and Chair of Yorkshire CND
Ellen Rohlfs, Gush Shalom, Deutsch-Palästinensische Gesellschaft, Pax Christi, Leer Web
Norman Paech, Hamburg, Germany,
Eckart Spoo, Berlin, Germany, journalist, author, co-editor der Zweiwochenschrift, Ossietzky
Joachim Guilliard, Heidelberg, Germany, Webseite
Prof. Dr. Mohssen Massarrat, university professor ret., Berlin, Germany/Iran
Janet Weil, Staffer, CODEPINK, Concord, California, USA,
Vladimir Zahmatov, Professor of Sankt-Peterburg Polytechnical University, Russia
Ada Aharoni, writer, Founder of IFLAC, Haifa, Israel,
Vijay Mehta, Chair of Uniting for Peace, London, United Kingdom,
Dr. Michael Sciuk, physician, Melissourgio/Kolympari, Greece
Elizabeth Murray, former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for the Near East, National Intelligence Council, Washington, USA
Coleen Rowley, retired FBI agent, Apple Valley, MN, USA, web
Todd Pierce, retired U.S. Army Major, Judge Advocate, Guantanamo Defense Counsel, St. Paul MN, USA
Norman Solomon, USA, coordinator
Ray McGovern, Washington, D.C., USA,
Frank Dorrel, Culver City, CA, USA,
Office of the Americas, Blase Bonpane, Santa Monica, CA, USA,
Dr. Scilla Elworthy, Scilla, United Kingdom,
Dr. Margaret Flowers, Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate, USA,
Kevin Zeese, co-director of Popular Resistance, USA,
Günter Sölken, Attac-Rat, Berlin, Germany
Marion Kuepker, International Coordinator against Nuclear Weapons DFG-VK, Hamburg, Germany,
Carol Turner, Chair, London Region Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, UK
Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon, Former General Secretary, National Council of Churches in the USA
Hermann Kopp, Chair of Marx-Engels-Foundation, Düsseldorf, Germany,
Daniele Ganser, Peace Research, Basel, Switzerland,
Dr Peter Wigg, Victorian branch convenor, Medical Association for Prevention of War, Australia,
David Rovics, musician, Portland, USA,
Dr. Marisa Walther, Berlin, Germany
Gina Pietsch, singer, Berlin, Germany,
Dr. Iris Berndt, curator Käthe-Kollwitz-Museum Berlin, Germany
Theresa & Blase Bonpane, Directors of the Office of the Americas, Santa Monica
Hartmut Sommerschuh, TV-journalist, Berlin, Germany
Diana Johnstone, journalist, author, Paris, France
Willy Wahl, Zürich, Switzerland,
Lindis Percy, Founder of the Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (CAAB), UK,
Peter Jackson, Bungay, UK,
Dr. Motte, DJ, Berlin, Germany
Nilo Freitas, Porto Alegre, Brasil
Joan L McClellan, Portland, Oregon Fellowship of Reconciliation, USA,
Judy Mercer, London, England, UK
Arup Rahee, General Secretary of Centre for Bangladesh Studies, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Darnell Stephen Summers, Stop The WAR Brigade, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Germany
Milan Markez, Berlin, Germany
Samy Yildirim, Zaandam, Nordholland, Netherlands
Dirk Brüning, Jülich, Chemieingenieur, i.R., member Netzwerk Cuba – Informationsbüro – e.V.
Josie Michel-Brüning, Jülich, Dipl. Päd. system. Familientherapeutin i.R., member Netzwerk Cuba
Frank Schwitalla, Bremen, Vorstandsmitglied des Netzwerk Cuba e.V.
Uta Mader, Bernau b. Berlin, Germany
Johnny Gaunt, Pontrhydfendigaid, Wales, UK,
Carola Ludwig, radio-moderator + handicraft teacher, Berlin , Germany
Michaela Kayser, Schöneiche, Germany
Gerd Hommel, Diplomjurist, Rentner, Dresden, Germany,
Hans Wallner, Künstler und Vorsitzender des Vereins Kunst für Frieden e. V., Regensburg, Germany
Peter Vonnahme, judge, ret., Kaufering, Germany
Klaus Hartmann, Deutscher Freidenker-Verband, Vorsitzender, Offenbach, Germany,
Savvidis Lampros, Dipl. Elektroingenieur, Berlin , Germany
Ana Barbara von Keitz, Handwerkerin, Berliner Arbeitskreises Uran-Munition
Dietrich Antelmann, Diplomkameralist, Berlin, Germany
Claudia Karas, AG Palästina/Frankfurt, Germany
Heinz Assnmacher, Bonn, Germany
Dieter Becker, Schriftführer des Ostdeutschen Kuratoriums von Verbänden e.V., OKV
Rebecca Freeman, administrator Brighton Peace & Environment Centre, UK,
Udo Rzadkowski, Berlin , Germany
John Morris, Guildford, UK,
Simone Juliane Wewers, Heidenau , Germany
Doris Pumphrey, Berlin, Germany
George Pumphrey, Berlin, Germany
Andrej Reder, Berlin, Germany
Ingo Klein, Leipzig, Germany
Werner Ruhoff, Berlin, Germany
Hedda Leonhardt, DKP Tempelhof Schöneberg, Berlin, Germany
Heinz Eckel, Berlin , Germany
Alfred Fritz, Berlin , Germany
Jochen Scholz, Lieutenant-Colonel, retired, Berlin, Germany
Oskar Marek, Lieutenant General retired, National Council SA, Ceské Budejovice, Czech Republic
Ruth Edmonds, ICAHD Israeli-Committee-Against-House-Demolitions Jerusalem, Israel,
Jirí Bureš, Colonel Retired, Chairman of the Association of Soldiers Against War, Prague, Czech Republic, Website
Volker Bräutigam, Mölln, Germany
Cornelia Schulz, Berlin, Germany
Iña Martinez, Glendora, Aalifornis, USA,
Jean-Theo Jost, actor, Berlin, Germany,
Ines P. Scheibe, psychologist, Berlin, Germany
Wolfgang Effenberger, Publizist, Pöcking, Deutschland
Elke Hufendiek, Bochum, Germany
Ulrich Boje, Dipl.-Ing., Berlin, Germany
Cornelia Schulz, Berlin, Germany
Leonore Schröder, Castrop-Rauxel, Germany
Jürgen Fegeler, Berlin, Germany
Bodo Quart, retired, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Stephan Reinhardt, Heidelberg, Germany
Albu-Stanescu Silvia, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Amir Mortasawi, physician, author, Rotenburg/Fulda, website
Annette Klepzig, Wilhelmsfeld, Germany
Beatrice Gehrmann, Kulturschaffende, Berlin, Germany
Barbara Gruen, pharmacist, Fulda, Germany
Peter Franz, author, Weimar, Germany, website
Margit Schreiber, social education worker, Berlin, Germany
Heinz-Peter Seidel, Berlin, Germany
Heidrun Hankammer, psychoanalyst, Berlin, Germany
Rainer Albers, Oranienburg, Germany
Lindsey Gaunt, Business development manager University of Wales, UK
Duke Austin, Oakland, CA, USA
Nasrin Parsa, publicist – filmmaker – sociologist, Berlin, Germany,
Jill Gough, National Secretary CND Cymru / Wales, Grossbritannien,
Karl Valencia, Berlin, Germany
Laurie Childers, artist, peace activist, Corvallis, Oregon, USA,
Karl Valencia, Berlin, Germany,
Dr. Elisabeth Quart, Berlin, Germany
Elfie Reiners, Rentner, Duisburg, Germany
Irene Eckert, Berlin, Germany,
Rudolf Palmer, Berlin, Germany,
Esther Thomsen, Diplom-Theologin, Ahrensburg, Germany
Brigitte Gärtner-Coulibaly, Herford, Germany
Ellen Murphy, Bellingham, Washington, USA
Klaus-Peter Kurch, Freethinker, retired, Oranienburg, Germany,
Dr. med. Dörte von Drigalski, physician, Hamburg, Germany
Polly Milner, Salisbury, U.K
Helmut Semmelmann, Berlin, Germany
Zivadin Jovanovic, Belgrade, Serbia, Diplomat (rtd),
Dr. med. Mechthild Klingenburg-Vogel, physician, psychoanalyst, Kiel, Germany
Nisly Weldon, Just Peacebuilding, Seattle, Washington, USA
Susan Prescott, Greenbank, USA
Judith Webster, website host, developer and administrator,
Holger Lichtwark, captain, Berlin, Germany
Siegfried Wittig, Berlin, Germany
Antonie Brinkmann, Bremen, Germany
Verena Tobler Linder, ethnologist, sociologist, Zurich, Switzerland,
Walter Huth, Wiesloch, Germany
Michael und Uschi Adam, retired, Berlin, Germany
Helga Hörning, Berlin, Germany
Gert Julius, Berlin, Germany, chair of BüSGM, Bündnis für Soziale Gerechtigkeit und Menschenwürde e.V., Website
Bernhard Trautvetter, Essen, Germany,
Albrecht Ludloff, Berlin, Germany
Bert Sacks, Washington, USA,
Inger Lotz-Bartelsen, Berlin, Germany
Ginga Eichler, Africanologist, retired, Berlin, Germany
Norbert Böhme, Berlin, Germany
Elisabeth Dietze, retired, Klietz, Germany
Barbara Müller, artist, Kosel, Germany
Jürgen Jung, actor/speaker, Pfaffenhofen, Germany
Stephanie Damm, Berlin, Germany
Paul Weidmann, business, Molfsee, Germany
Dr. Uwe Wollmerstädt, Berlin, Germany
Ellen Breidert, Bad Honnef, Germany
Mohammad Zahedi, engineer, Brussels, Belgium
Bärbel Wihstutz, Hohen Neuendorf, Germany
Hartmut Wihstutz, physician, Hohen Neuendorf, Germany
Wolf Gauer, journalist/filmmaker, São Paulo, Brasil
Ralf Straßburg, Berlin, Germany
Mohammad Taghizadeh, management(phd), translator, researcher, Tehran, Iran
Christoph Rinneberg, Dipl.-Ing., Wembach i.O., Germany
Axel Wondratschke, Cologne, Germany
Hartmut Weidler, violin maker, Nürnberg, Germany
Hanne Weidler-List, Nürnberg, Germany
Sima Kassaie, sociologist, writer, Mühltal, Germany
Dieter Engelmann, retired, Elsterwerda, Germany
Dr. Manfred Lotze, Hamburg, Germany
Klaus Feldhacke, retired, Berlin, Germany
David Waddilove, writer, Taunton, England, Website
Charly Böhm, retired, Berlin, Germany
Emil Brütsch, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
Miriam Volkmann, Vigil for World Peace and Human Rights Berlin (since 2003), Germany
Joerg Tiedjen, journalist, Berlin, Germany,
John Muir, Gloucester, England, UK
Gudrun Langendorf, Berlin, Germany
Tombolo Mukengechay, attorney (retired), Berlin, Germany
Dr. med. Helmut Käss, physician, Braunschweig, Germany, Website
Harald Nestler, Berlin, Germany
Doris S. Wilk, retired, Long Beach, New York, USA
Heide Janicki, Braunschweig, Germany
John Cooper, Professor of Chemistry, Retired, USA
Carsten Scheike, Arbeiter, Braunschweig, Germany
Nihou Ouidad, Studentin, Hannover, Germany
Prof. Dr. Günter Wendel, Rentner, Berlin, Germany
Ralph Schultz, Professor, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Joyce Clark, Woolwich, ME, USA
Elinor Kaiser-Mohammad, Amman, Jordan
Constance Jenkins, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Orono, Maine, USA
Peter Woodruff, artist, retired Shipbuilder for the Navy, Arrowsic, Maine, USA
Russell Wray, sculptor, printmaker, Hancock, USA
Dr. Hans-Jürgen Paul, Dozent/Rentner, Weimar, Germany
Hans-Ulrich Walter, Berater im Unruhestand, Leipzig, Germany,
Randy Kehler, Colrain, MA, USA
Stephen Martin, Edinburgh, Scotland
Michael Koellisch, Braunschweig, Germany
Gerhard Mertschenk, Dolmetscher/Übersetzer, Berlin, Germany
Becky Luening, artist, Portland, Oregon, USA
Emma Jean Lugo, Peace Activist, Portland, Oregon, USA, web
Gue Schmidt, Media artist, Vienna, Austria
Ann Ruthsdottir, fiber artist, Brunswick, Maine, USA
Sam Jenkins, Orono, Maine, USA
Gar Smith, co-founder, Environmentalists Against War, Berkeley, California, USA,
Mark Reback, Los Angeles, California, USA,
Herbert Hoffman, Retired, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Subrata Ghoshroy, Academic, co-Chair of the International Network of Engineers and Scientists (INES) for Global Responsibility Boston, MA, USA
Carol Miller, Peaceful Skies Coalition, President, Arroyo Hondo, NM,
Nada Khader, Director of social justice organization, White Plains, NY, USA,
Notash Farah, artist, Vienna, Austria,
Michael Nagler, Peace educator, Petaluma, CA, USA,
Angie Zelter, Knighton, UK
Karen Wainberg, social worker, peace activist, Bath, USA
Starr Gilmartin, social worker, Trenton, Maine, USA
Russell Wray, sculptor, printmaker, Hancock, USA
Hamid Mumin, Professor, Brandon, Canada
Bernie Eisenberg, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Theresa Bruckmann, Ökonomin, Worpswede, Germany
Lois Barnett, Port Townsend, Washington, USA
Ralph Famularo, Osaka, Japan
Dud Hendrick, Educator, Deer Isle, Maine, USA
LJ Prip, Beloit, WI, USA
Antonio Abate, Munich, Germany
Eileen Andreoli, Winooski VT, USA, &
Suzanne Hedrick, Nobleboro, Maine, USA
Patty Guerrero, organizer Pax Salon, St Paul, MN, USA, Pax Salon
Brian Noyes Pulling, M. Div., Minister and Peace Activist, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA
Heidelore Schwaneberg, Rentnerin, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Sonja Henisch, Vienna, Austria,
David King, Senior Lecturer, University of Queensland, Australia
Sean Messano, Greenville, Delaware, USA
Lyn Marie Berntson, Eden Prairie, MN, USA
Theresa Alt, retired, Ithaca NY, USA
Jeannie Woodbridge, Fraud Investigator, Gold Coast, Australia
Jeffrey A Nordahl, retired, Edina, MN, USA
Elaine G McGillicuddy, writer, poet, Portland, Maine, USA,
William Slavick, Professor i.R., frm. coordinator Pax Christi Maine, member of Veterans for Peace, USA, Web
Jürgen Schwaneberg, Rentner, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Manfred Gantenberg, Worpswede, Germany
Klaudia Ruschkowski, Dramaturge, Volterra, Italy
Tim Nolan, Managing Editor Global Peace, St.Paul MN, USA, GlobalPeace
Robin Brookes, Home energy consultant, Devizes, England
Heidi Zeidler, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Sherry Berg, Decorah, Iowa, USA
Christina Leib, Geesthacht, Germany
Dominik Lang, artist, Vienna, Austria
Austrian Trade Unionists against Atomic Power and War, Vienna, Austria,
Austrian Solidarity Committee, Vienna, Austria,
Richard Greve, Staten Island, New York, USA
Jörg Tauss, Kraichtal, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, website
Hans Werner Poschauko, artist, Vienna, Austria
Thomas Fusco, self employed, Brunswick, USA
Georg Müller, Berlin, Germany
Monica Wapnewski, Yogateacher, Berlin, Germany
Maria Scheibl, Bruck an der Leitha, Austria
Ulrike Schmitz, Braunschweig, Germany
Chiarlone Bruno Debenedetti, pataphysic writer, Cairo Montenotte, Italy
Susi Hofmann, Munich, Germany
Deborah Johnson, Rantoul, Illinois, USA
John Peck, Brunswick, Maine, USA
Michelle Lau, Vienna, Austria
Jean Bricmont, Brussels, Belgium
Ines Roth, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Erich Schaffner, actor, Mörfelden, Germany,
Angelika und Jürgen Feist, retired, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Hagen Weinberg, Tierzüchter, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Dirk Seiring, dental technician, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Paula Meyer, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Gilbert Brüning, Berlin, Germany
Susanne Karafiat, psychologist, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Mag. Susanne Kavalar, Artteacher, Hard, Austria
Wydler Florian Leibetseder, artist, Vienna, Austri,
Joseph Hancock, Retired, Los Angeles, CA, USA,
Louise Lora Somlyo, Ret. Public School teacher, Portland, MN, USA
Harunur Rashid, Brandon, Canada
Kim Soobok, Financing, Closter, New Jersey, USA.
James Dale. Retired Pastor. Church Relation. Decorah, IA, USA
Cindy O’Toole, Scarborough, Maine, USA
Reinhard Schülzke, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Ralph T. Niemeyer, journalist, Schwäbisch Gmünd,
Barb Schade, educator, Westport, Connecticut, USA
Frank Scott, writer, Pt. Richmond, USA, Webseite
Marianna Dellekamp, Mexico City, Mexico
Don Kimball, Portland, ME, USA,
John Jongen, Organizer of Citizens Alliance for a Pristine Perinton (CAPP) Fairport, New York
David Kimberlyn, yoga teacher, magazine editor, communications director, Isla Taboga, Panama,
Anthony Cush, retired, Falmouth, Maine, USA
Goetz Loepelmann, theater director, San Miguel nde Abona Tenerife, Spain
Jammu Narayana Rao, Nagpur, India
Günther Wassenaar, teacher, ret., Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany
Pejic Vlasto, Munich, Germany
Lisa Savage, educator, Solon, ME, USA, website
Annelie Böttcher, self-employed, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Dr. Rüdiger Preuße, Berlin, Germany
Chris Dehler, Berlin, Germany
Ursula Preuße, Berlin, Germany
Kerstin Welke, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Heike Liedert, Abdichtungstechniker, Lebus, Germany
Rick MacArthur, Grand Junction, USA
Rosa Schmidt, student, Vienna, Austria
Csilla Horvath, Washington DC, USA
Robert Andrew Moses, Upper Marlboro, MD, USA
Ann Shirazi, activist, New York, USA,
Jerome Skyrud, retired, Coronado, USA
Karen Ball, member Pax Christi, Texas, USA
Karin Voigt-Berner, Bremen, Germany
Damara Kuhn, Schauspielerin, Berlin, Germany
Uta Glienke, Berlin, Germany
Thomas Pohl, Angestellter, Groß Lindow, Germany
Ilona Späth, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Jürgen Sobeck, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Lilo u. Hans Hörath, Senioren, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Rudolf Denner, Pressesprecher OKV, Berlin, Germany
Norbert Engelhardt, Sicherheit, Hoyerswerda, Germany
Joachim Deutsch, Hamburg, Germany
Monika Schrödter, Erzieherin, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Birgit Pohl, Groß Lindow, Germany
Eleanor Ommani, Retired Educator, Armonk, New York, USA
Ali Mussa Mwadini, Founder & Executive Secretary & Peace Activist Zanzibar Peace, Truth & Transparency Association, Tanzania
Ramona Adam, Rentner, Lebus, Germany
Gerlinde Schröder, Sachbearbeiter / Rentner, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Roswitha Naumann, Lehrmeisterin, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Christian Naumann, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Bärbel Lange, Rentnerin, Weißwasser, Germany
Ulrich Lange, Rentner, Weißwasser, Germany
Michael Schmid, Gammertingen, Germany,
Wolfgang Jeserich, selbstständig, Joachimsthal, Germany
Christiane Jeserich, selbstständig, Joachimsthal, Germany
Günther Pfeiffer, Viena, Austria
Daniel Epstein, Palo Alto, CA, USA
Morteza Dehghan, Vienna, Austria
Edith Klauke, Rentner, Müllrose, Germany
Ines Inokai, Berlin, Germany
John Pitts, Orillia, ON, Canada
Andreas Ulrich, Höbelhof, Germany
Anja Boettcher, teacher, Bochum, Germany,
Barbara Matuschewski, Dipl. Pädagogin/ Soziologin, Pressereferentin i.R. Bremen, Germany
Dr. Henry Stahl, Nervenarzt, Eschwege, Germany
Dieter Engelmann, Rentner, Elsterwerda, Germany
Martina Lampe, Angestellte, Müllrose, Germany
Sonja Jamkojikan-Huber, Vienna, Austria
Jane Newton, Peace Activist, Georgetown, USA
Christa Pfeiffer, Rentnerin, Siegburg, NRW, Germany
Ute v. Halasz, Berlin, Germany
Ellen Murphy, Bellingham, Washington, USA
Marie Hanulak, Berlin, Germany
Jean Kosmac, Lakewood, FL, USA
Christine A. DeTroy, Peace activist, Brunswick, USA
Ellen Thomas, nuclear-free future activist, Tryon, NC, USA,
Fran Foulkrod, Philadelphia, USA
Karl Fischbacher, editorial journalist, Vienna, Austria
Chuck Jagoda, writer, Sunnyvale, CA, USA
Robin Lloyd, filmmaking, Burlington, VT, USA
Kathy Kelly, peace activist, Chicago, USA,
Dr. Karl Reitter, Vienna, Austria
Yvonne Rappo, Dussnang, Switzerland
Kawretzke Bibianna, Berlin, Germany
Dietmar Fürste, Dipl.-Ing. i.R., Rattiszell, Germany
Manfred Simader, Bad Urach, Germany
George Sukarie, Bruckmuehl, Germany
Andrea Ruth, Flüh, Switzerland
Mats Rönnhed, Bad Steben, Germany,
Wolfgang Hergert, Heusenstamm, Germany
John Owen, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Jens Huter, Bremen, Germany
Dr. Andreas Habel, Jena, Germany
Abdul Razak Al Amily, Rentner, Berlin, Germany
Nora Hesse, Jena, Germany
Ingrid Koschmieder, Berlin, Germany
Rick MacArthur, Grand Junction, TX, USA
Heidrun Landgraf, Außenwirtschaftsökonom, Berlin, Germany
Ronny Boehme, Preesel, Germany
Sigrun Leo, retired, Hamburg, Germany
Freya Pausewang, Schlangenbad, Germany
Stefan Kromet, Kirchheim, Germany
Ralf Schlabach, Software-Entwicklungsingenieur, Freiburg, Germany
Thomas Flaskamp, teacher, Bonn, Germany
Birgit Soufiaoui, Prilly, Switzerland
Hans Georg Braunschweiler, Rüschlikon, Switzerland
Guenter Gerlinger, engineer, Ludwigsburg, Germany
Ándi Rietschel, Geschichtenerzähler und DJ, Leipzig, Germany,
Jürgen Lang, teacher, Neunkirchen-Seelscheid, Germany
Silvester Burmann, retired, Wettenberg, Germany
Markus Raymann, Chanthaburi, Thailand
Wolf Gauer, Journalist/Filmemacher, São Paulo, Brasil
Ulrike Schramm, Höchstadt/Aisch, Germany
Martin Haas, Bedburg-Hau, Germany
Stefan Kromet, Kirchheim, Germany
Erich Ehmes, Hanau, Germany
Christian Negrin, Vienna, Austria
Phil Runkel, archivist, Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA
Silke Mahlau, Hamburg, Germany
Thorsten Schröder, Sozialarbeiter, Taunusstein, Germany
Zdeněk Kubáněk, Ing., PhD. Association Soldiers against War (Council), Czech Republic, Website
Ing. Michal Gondek, ret. Major General, Association Soldiers against War (Member National Council) Czech Republic Website
Otakar Veselý, Colonel, Association Soldiers against War (member of the National Council), Czech Republic, Website
Ing.Radek Bukovjan, Captain in reserve, Association of Soldiers against War (member National Council) Czech Republic Website
Amedea Raff, lic.phil., Psychologin, Berufsschullehrerin und Landwirtin, Buch/Frauenfeld, Switzerland
Peter Hofmann, Leipzig, Germany
Marion Trommenschläger, Diplompädagogin, Köln, Germany
Heike Hupe, Leverkusen, Germany
Walter Velten, Pfarrer, Ipsheim, Germany
Stephan Polzin, Meldorf, Germany
Jürgen Osterlänger, Ingenieur, Emskirchen, Germany
Monika Waldkirch, Wiesbaden, Germany
Stephanie Schütz, Köln, Germany
Barbara Heller, Bremen, Germany
Frank Merkel, Wiesbaden, Germany
Maria Froitzheim, Pädagogin, Bonn, Germany
Heinz Stucki, Elgg, Switzerland
Heinz Blessing, Konstrukteur, Rösrath, Germany
Ali Mussa Mwadini, Executive Secretary & Peace Activist, Zanzibar Peace, Truth & Transparency Association, Tanzania
Heinrich Westner, retired, Biberach, Germany
Anna Gross, Ahrensfelde, Brandenbg, Germany
Reinhard Frankl, attac Aschaffenburg, Germany
Gernot Gangl, Beamter, Schleinbach, Austria
Dr. Helmut Loch, Kinder und Jugendpsychiater, Heidelberg, Germany
Erich Fankhauser, „Frieden durch Kultur“-Schweiz, Niederlenz, Switzerland
Rita Abert, retired, Berlin, Germany
Hildegard Cowan, Rheinfelden, Schweiz
Dieter Pomierski, Berlin, Germany
Michael Wiebe, Brandschutz-Techniker, Berlin, Germany
Almut Loch, Dipl. psych. Psychoanalytikerin, Heidelberg, Germany,
Idis Schuster, Düsseldorf, Germany
Renate Laue, Lehrerin i. R., Halle (Saale), Germany
Maurice Hopp. Klavierbauer, Holenberg, Germany
ALBA, Malta North Africa Coordination, Malta, web
Uwe Stahl, Drucker/Grafiker/attac/ver.di, Altenholz, Germany, web
Ulrich Westner, Mannheim, Germany
Eric Jung, Alsdorf, Germany
Arnold Peter, Dipl. Ing., Altshausen, Germany
Barbara Philpps, Köln, Germany
Sabine Behrendt, München, Germany,
René Hudan, Koutio, Dumbea. Nouvelle Calédonie
Dietrich Müller, Konstanz, Germany
Christian Oberholzer, Architekt, Zurich, Switzerland
Mechthild Oberholzer, Ergotherapeutin, Zurich, Switzerland
Peter Silbereisen, Humorist, Wiesbaden, Germany,
Martine Sauveur, Giromagny, France
Yohann Sparfell, Plerin, France,
Joan Oehme, Berlin, Germany
Marianne Wehrle, Maur, Zurich, Switzerland
Hans-Peter Wehrle, Maur, Zurich, Switzerland
Léon Meynet, Genf, Switzerland
Patricia Ziegler, Rentner, Berlin, Germany
Irmgard Lerch, Konstanz, Germany,
Johannes Kraut, Diakon, Reutlingen, Germany
Ulrike Hennemann, Tübingen, Germany
Bernd Schnettler, Reutlingen, Germany
Ilse Geißer, Yogalehrerin, Konstanz, Germany
Giuseppe Savino, Gabian, France
Jurgen Anthon Berg, Friedrichshafen, Germany
Robert Cavens, Ferrières, Belgium
Eberhard von Goldammer, Dozent, Witten (Ruhr), Germany,
Werner Frey, Elekr. Ing., Bronschhofen, Switzerland
Dr. Jordi Balari, architect, Barcelona, Catalonia
Viliam Jablonický, Publizist, Bratislava, Slowakei
Marie Christine Freisen, Ferrieres, Belgium
Kadda Medjeded, author, Mostaganem, Algerie
Dorothee Spiegel-Kalasz, Masseurin/HP, Stuttgart, Germany
Christa Dannehl, Rentner, Schwedt / Oder, Germany
Nasr Eddine Benkhaled, Aix-les-Bains, France
Marc Mangen, Musiker, Ettelbrück, Luxemburg
Silvia Cattori, Lausanne, Switzerland,
Hermann Szlezak, Vienna, Austria
Paul Zinck, Dipl.Ing., Strasbourg, France
Beate Laidler, Konstanz, Germany
Christine Green-Ottens, Diplom Sozialpädagogin, Alfter, Germany
Jean Daniel Urben, Berufsschullehrer, Kaltbrunn, Switzerland
André Chenet, Nice, France,
Marie-Françoise Cordemans, Bruxelles, Belgique
Martine Hildebrandt, Retraité Presse, Paris, France
Mathilde Nägeli, pens. Verw. Angest., Kilchberg, Switzerland
Tobias Neugebauer, Thun, Switzerland
Norbert Römer, Rentner, Laufenburg, Germany
Cornelia Praetorius, Mothers Against War. Christian Peace Conference, Berlin, Germany
Martine Bonnin, Pîtres, France
Maria Guidon, Oberrieden, Switzerland
Ilona Haack, Rentnerin, Ritzerow, Germany
Regula Vontobel, Basel, Switzerland
Margot Wahl, Zürich, Schweiz,
Ruth Hofmänner, lic.phil. Psychologin, Winterthur, Switzerland
Inge Schwirten-Tropp, Königswinter, Germany
Jürg Kräuchi, Zollikon, Switzerland
Brigitte Queck, Dipl. Staatswiss. Außenpolitik, Potsdam, Germany, website
Gudrun und Klaus Fenten, retired, Rielasingen-Worblingen, Germany
Eva Richter, Winterbach, Germany
Hans Pöchmann, Salzburg, Austria
Rainer Nützel, Ravensburg, Germany
Joachim Scheer, police chief inspector, ret., Lehre, Germany
Heinrich Friedrich Ulrich, Rentner, Lohra, Germany
Sylvia Wenzel, Baden, Austria
Johanna Haidvogl-Werder, Biologin, Gelterkinden, Switzerland, website
Rusanna Hillmann, Erlangen, Germany
Hans-Ulrich Bünger, Freudenstadt, Germany
Rosemarie Küppers, Berlin, Germany
Ingeborg Hilmes, Koblenz, Germany
Alyette Ozoux, Lyon, France
Ortwin Zeitlinger, Lehrer, Berlin, Germany
Dieter Rupp, Rosenheim, Germany
Armin Tausch, Munich, Germany
Rudolf Steinmetz, Munich, Germany
Wilfried Meißner, physician a.D., Saalfeld, Germany,
Ursula Brümann, Berlin, Germany
Marcella Rüdlinger, Rüti/ZH, Switzerland
Florian Hilmes, Koblenz, Germany
Siegfried Wilhelm, translator, Nischni Nowgorod, Russia
Erich Baumgartner, social education worker, Luzern, Switzerland
Gudrun Haas, Trainerin für Gewaltfreie Kommunikation, Mediatorin, München, Germany,
Dr. Hans-Jörg Schlichte, Hitzacker, Germany
Heinz Rafreider, fiduciary, Stadel, Switzerland
Hans Lachmann, chemical engineer ret., Heidelberg, South Africa
Walter Friedmann, Bühl, Germany, Website
Peter Gloystein, Brake/Unterweser, Germany
Michaela Tiedemann, retired, Lindau (Bodensee), Germany
Johannes Resch, physician, Annweiler, Germany,
Helga Netzer, Road Town, British Virgin Islands
Otto Gisbert, economist, ret., Wil, Sankt Gallen, Switzerland
Olivier Bruno, Solidarité & Progrès, Paris, France
Volker Schwarzmann, Dr.rer.Nat. i.R., Hamburg, Germany
Gerard Pilote, retraite, Montral, Canada
Ruth Weibel, Solothurn, Switzerland
Kurt Wolfgang Ringel, Rentner/Verfahrenstechniker, Mitglied Freidenkerverband, Niedersachsen
Rainer Straßburg, Cottbus, Germany
Helga Döring-Kles, Hannover, Germany
Reto Mettauer, Dornach, Switzerland
Esther Trefzer, Aarau, Switzerland
Karin Zysse, Psychologin, Locarno, Switzerland,
Gustav-Adolf Siebrasse, Bielefeld, Germany
Andreas Fassbind, free-lance, Locarno, Switzerland
Gisela Hess-Hatting, Rentnerin, Viöl, Germany,
Angelika Scheer, DFV Nord, Hamburg, Germany,
Frank Thomsen, Wallsbüll, Germany
Barbara Tropp, Techn. Angestellte, Hennef, Germany
Heinz Schwirten, Sozialarbeiter, Lindlar, Germany
Lukas Zingg, Masken-Bauer, Basel, Schweiz
Ludwig Mehler, Grafschaft, Germany
Holdger Platta, Sudershausen, Germany
Michael Lang, Berlin, Germany
Francesco Celia, Phd candidate, Catanzaro, Italy
Mechthild Walter, frm. city councilor, Munich, Germany
Emmi Bosshard, Kollbrunn, Switzerland
Roberto Murgia, Ingenieur, Oristano, Italy
Joachim Günther, Berlin, Germany
Gertrud Berger, Retraitée, Cressier NE, Switzerland
Markus Schmitz, Jilin, P.R. China
Mauro Valderrama, Berlin, Germany
Stefanie Hilke, Berlin, Germany
Andre Roth, Dietikon, Switzerland
Ines Sono, Aktivistin, Berlin, Germany
Ingrid & Holger Mandel, Obernkirchen, Germany
Irene Silberstein, Consultant, Worcestershire, England, UK
Arnold Witjes, Oldenzaal, Netherlands
Bernd Schneider, Kubschütz, Sachsen, Germany
Ute Sikora, Schwifting, Germany
Volker Meier, Ing., Cottbus, Germany
Volkmar Beck, Greiz, Germany
Luca Siniscalco, Milano, Italy
Rudolf Müller, Forst, Brandenburg, Germany
Karl Valencia, Berlin, Germany
Frank Born, Cottbus, Germany
Heidi Foerster, Berlin, Germany
Gérard Duchemin, France
Dany Lindenbacher, Basel, Switzerland
Lysan Boshuyzen, Haarlem, The Netherlands
Götz Weinel, Berlin, Germany
Ana Mondrus, San José, Costa Rica
Wolfgang Kornberger, Philosoph, Konstanz, Germany
Jürgen Rädler, Erlebnispädagoge, Vorstand Freundeskreis, Friedrichshafen, Germany,
Volker Schmid, Wolfschlugen, Germany
Katharina Schmid, Therapeutin pens., Niederlenz, Switzerland
Monika Kloth, Heilpraktikerin, Radolfzell, Germany
Ilse Geißer, Yogalehrerin, Konstanz, Germany
Walter Granacher, Konstanz, Germany
Abdellah Bouchelia, Lyon, France
Anastasia Pronitschew, businesswoman, Bremerhaven, Germany
Diane Combes, professeur des écoles, Eguilles, France
Pierre Sarramagnan-Souchier, Schopfheim, Germany
Christian Calomme, Liege, Belgium
Martine Beginne, Liege, Belgium
Mona Rizkallah, Beirut, Lebanon
Nadia Gaiddon, Ramatuelle, France
Veronika Thomas-Ohst, Aachen, Germany,
Karl Heinz Otten, Aachen, Germany,
Patricia Marticorena, Baigorri, France
Angie Zelter, Knighton, UK
Edel Martin Kabutakapua, Kananga, Congo
Robert Isaac, Issug, Canada
Andreas Haltinner, seaman, Berlin, Germany
Gerda Müller, Rentnerin, Richtolsheim, Frankreich
Prof. Dr. med. H.-W. Menges-SPELL, physician, artist, Aachen, Germany,
Ursula Mathern, Merxheim, Germany
Stéphane Palazotto, Moscow, Russia
Elkje Schneider, Frankfurt, Germany
Michel Gillet, Trets, France
Rosemarie Haltinner, salesperson, Beckendorf, Germany
Yves-André Babst, Avenches, Switzerland
Hassan el Bedyouch, Agadir, Morocco
Fanny Barbault, Gieres, France
Victor Onana, Yaounde, Cameroun
Jonathan Thron, Berlin, Germany
Nikola Sanz, Lausanne, Switzerland
Madline Salamin, Veyras, Switzerland
Loana Cettou, Fribourg, Switzerland
Julia Clément, Genève, Switzerland
Maxime Savage, Montreal, Canada
Amanda Bühler, Lausanne, Switzerland
Ulrike Gabriel, Berlin, Germany
Vijay Prashad, professor of International Studies at Trinity College, Connecticut, USA
Juergen Bennewitz, Rentner, Kleinmachnow, Germany
Wolf-Dietrich Bennewitz, Spremberg, Germany
Inge De Caerlé, teacher, ret., Essen, Germany
Anne Polikeit, Biel/Bienne, Switzerland
Pierre Strauss, Genolier, Switzerland
Ursula Hüser, Berlin, Germany
Heinz D. Kappei, peaceworker, Berlin, Germany,
Dieter Kaltenhäuser, Breisach, Germany
Elisabeth Kaltenhäuser, Breisach, Germany
Konni Schmidt, Chair Bike for Peace and New Energies e. V., Kaiserslautern, Germany,
Frank Schneidereit, 3D Artist & Motion Graphics Designer, Berlin, Germany
Leslie Lomas, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Wilbur Ince, Minneapolis, USA
Bernhard Klinghammer, Arzt, Ronnenberg, Germany
Betsy Mullligan-Dague, Executive Director Jeannette Rankin Peace Center, Missoula, MT, USA,
Ute Donner, painter/peaceactivist, Berlin, Germany,
Richard Forer, author/speaker, Lafayette, CO, USA,
Steven Caton, Professor, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
Ivan Ivanov, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Dr. Leo Semashko, Honorary President, Global Harmony Assotiation, Saint-Petersburg, Russia,
Dr. S. S. Varatharajan, International VP for PR IAEWP ( NGO-UN ), Malaysia, website
Reto Thumiger, Friedensaktivist/-redakteur, Berlin, Germany,
Agnes Rödiger, Bühl, Germany
Inge Ammon, Fuerstenfeldbruck, Germany
Dr. Gabi Weber, physician, chair of Cafe Palestine Freiburg, Germany, website
Michael Kleberger, Oberneuching, Germany
Peter Brecht, Weinsberg, Germany
Sausan Hachicho, communication coaching & copywriting, Freiburg, Germany,
Tobias Baumann, Berlin, Germany
Geertrui Mestdag, coach/counselor, Haarlem, the Netherlands,
Jay Wenk, veteran member of Veterans for Peace, Woodstock, NY, USA
George Newell, Boulder Chapter President, Veterans for Peace, USA
Chuck Searcy, Vietnam Veteran, Athens, Georgia, USA, web
Carol Trainer, member of Veterans For Peace, Prospect, KY, USA, web
Carroll Nast, Colfax, CA, USA, web
Sally-Alice Thompson, The Raging Grannies of Albuquerque, USA, web
Mary Hanna, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Daniel Gilman, retired, Viet Nam Veteran, Seattle, WA, USA
Nicolas J S Davies, North Miami, FL, USA
Scott Camil, retired, Gainesville, FL, USA,
Tom Hawthorne, Callahan, FL, USA
Klaus Linder, Musician, Berlin, Germany
Robert Hunziker, Environmental Activist/Journalist, Author, Los Angeles, CA, USA
June Vette, Mt Shasta, CA, USA,
Maura Browne, Washington, DC, USA
Gladys Tiffany, Director OMNI Center for Peace, Justice, Ecology, Fayetteville, AR, USA,
Margit Stiemer, Berlin, Germany
Bill Kaiser, activist, Burbank, CA, USA
Esan Siva, commercial, Thiais, France
Abdellah Najim, Bruxelles, Belgique
Walter Friedmann, Bühl, Germany, Web
Henry Klützke, employee, Rostock, Germany
Prof. Thomas Riebl, Obertrum, Austria
Natylie Baldwin, author/analyst, San Francisco Area, CA, USA,
John Walsh, Scientist (biologist), Alameda, CA, USA
Süheyla Köhler, Berlin, Germany
Sheinna R. Baker, Madera, CA, USA
Andreas Johannes Berchtold, retired, Wuppertal, Germany,
Enrico Vigna, free lance, writer researcher, speaker for Italy of Belgrade Forum, Turin, Italy,
Ursula Mathern, Merxheim, Germany
Matthias Abendroth, architect, Weimar, Germany
Thomas Abendroth, musician, Grafrath, Germany
Daniel Hollenberg, Student, Oberhausen, Germany
Ruth Wright, retired, Northville, Michigan, USA
Cathy Curtis, Professor of Music, Paris, France
Gitta Kleine, München, Germany
Elke Blauth, Klinische Kunsttherapeutin, Wiesbaden, Germany
Zvonko Avramovic, Vienna, Austria
Sudhir Sajwan, Advocate, advocate, New Delhi, India
Dr. Reiner Seidel, Hochschullehrer, Berlin, Germany,
Farid Al-Midani, Steuerfachangestellter, Wuppertal, Germany
Thomas Austermann, Essen, Germany
Vincenzo Spezzano, Staatlicher Angestellter, Trento, Italy
Anschi Pohlmann, Kunstttherapeutin/Künstlerin, Dortmund, Germany
Werner Ulf, selfemployed, Berlin, Germany, website
Jean Jacques Sautier, retired, Mesanges, France
Katrin Wiegand, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany
Heike Baheru, Berlin, Germany
Marvin Unger, selfemployed, Berlin, Germany
Wolfgang Sichert, Author, Berlin, Germany
Molina Vogelsang, Student, Berlin, Germany
David José, Studierender, Berlin, Germany
Monika Häusler, Produktionshelferin, Perasdorf, Germany
Walter Friedmann, Bühl, Germany
Klaus Lipps, Oberstudienrat a.D., Baden-Baden, Germany
Christina Lipps, Lehrerin a.D., Baden-Baden, Germany
Martin Eckert, Sozialwissenschaftler, Conil de la Frontera, Spain
Stefanie Kötter, Duesseldorf, Germany
Alyette Ozoux, Lyon, France
Vincenzo Spezzano, translator, Trento, Italy
Christa Senberg, Knitting for peace, Zossen, Germany
Kerstin Schreiber, Rheinsberg, Germany
Klaus Gente, retired, Born am Dar, Germany
Nils Hausotte, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Hans Boës, Fahrzeugbau, Berlin, Germany,
Marc Benndorf, Holztechniker, Aktivist, Rhauderfehn, Germany
Hans Jürgen Adler, retired, Gardelgen, Germany
Michael Lang, Berlin, Deutschland
Here the extended version of the declaration (29. Jan. 2016):
Multipolar World Against War
An Urgent Call for a Multipolar Coalition for Peace
Our world stands at a critical and dangerous juncture. The destructive policy of unilateral military intervention and illegal regime change practiced by the United States and its allies has led to the possibility of a military confrontation between major world powers and nuclear-armed nations that could trigger a new World War.
This is an urgent call to all nations, organizations and individuals worldwide, to join together in forming a global coalition that seeks to avert disaster by strengthening Multipolar cooperation, peaceful diplomacy and international law, while categorically rejecting interventionism and unilateral aggression.
The world has arrived at this point because of reckless foreign policy , gross human rights violations and the wanton destruction of entire cultures. Since the end of the Cold War, the U.S.’s latest aggressive policy shift was enshrined in a PNAC (Project for a New American Century) document published in September 2000 entitled, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century,” where they revealingly determined that:
“…If an American peace is to be maintained and expanded, it must have a secure foundation on unquestioned U.S. military preeminence….”
Under the media guise of “The War on Terror“, “WMD’s“ or “Humanitarianism“, the U.S. (together with its allies) presently executes this overtly imperialist doctrine through the expansion of NATO, the launching of multiple wars for control of foreign resources, and the establishment of hundreds of military bases overseas. It overthrows non-compliant heads-of-state through the use of unsanctioned military force or color revolutions. It contaminates entire regions with cancer-causing depleted uranium munitions. It justifies the use of torture, electronic surveillance, killer drones, cyber warfare, and the rolling back of domestic civil liberties – while whistleblowers that expose these crimes are threatened and criminalized.
Even economic warfare in the form of sanctions, vulture capitalism, IMF-imposed austerity, secretly negotiated trade deals like TTIP, and financial manipulation is unleashed against its enemies – and even its allies – forcing them into submission.
Dangerous Flashpoints
Is the world safer? What are the results of these unilateral actions? The promises of increased democracy, national security and economic well-being from Western intervention has only left a deadly legacy of failed states and disastrous outcomes. Furthermore, this unilateral policy is now targeting Russia and China, exposing humanity to the risk of global thermonuclear war.
In East Asia, Washington has deemed China’s dynamic rise as a strategic threat to U.S. interests, and has responded militarily by agitating and encircling China, while inflaming territorial disputes with its neighbors. At the same time, neo-liberal free trade agreements negotiated in secret like TPP are being implemented to counter China’s economic influence, while enabling corporations to keep workers exploited, environmental protections sidelined, and entire nations powerless.
Meanwhile, the U.S. and NATO are backing a corrupt regime with Nazi ties in Ukraine that they put into power through a violent coup. The regime’s repressive policies sparked a civil war that created more than a million refugees, prompting Crimean residents against the coup to rejoin Russia in a referendum. Though more than 90% of Crimeans voted in favor of reunification, the Western powers and the media accused Russia of interference, choosing to apply tough economic sanctions, and to station NATO military personnel and weapons directly on Russia’s borders. The West is even considering the European redeployment of nuclear weapons to “counter the Russian threat“. Does this make the world safer?
In Syria, the U.S./NATO/Gulf Coalition is illegally waging a dual campaign of fighting terrorism and regime change simultaneously, demanding that yet another elected head-of-state step down. However, this U.S.-led Coalition is supporting extremist mercenaries with strong links to Al Qaeda and ISIS whom they dub “the moderate opposition“ to bring down the Syrian government. So while they officially condemn terrorism and pledge to fight it, they continue to train, fund, arm, and support the very groups they say they are fighting.
Worse still, the U.S.-led Coalition, illegally operating without a UN mandate and no permission from the Syrian government, is operating with a separate agenda in the same theater as the legally-mandated Syria/Russia/Iran Coalition, the one overwhelmingly supported by the Syrian people who fear for their lives. Instead of joining forces against terrorism, the West is inflaming the crisis through belligerent rhetoric, dangerous provocations and the flagrant disregard of international law. Does this make the world safer?
Media as a Tool for War
The role of the media in promoting these wars and destructive policies cannot be overstated. Whether demonizing a leader, a religion, or an entire nation, – the Western media chooses to echo Western talking points to scare the public into supporting war, rather than reporting on the facts. In particular, politically motivated criticism is constantly used to discredit and undermine Russia and Syria for “actually“ fighting terrorism or legally defending their own borders. Dubious accusations are regularly leveled at Russia and its president without any evidence, while Western media outlets legitimize these often debunked claims – further distorting the reality. Thus, Russia is often portrayed as a threat greater than ISIS!
However, it must not be forgotten who demonized Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, who actually created the chaos that engulfs Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Libya, Yemen, Syria, and Ukraine, and who continues to threaten other nations – including Russia, China and Iran. Against the backdrop of escalating ecological crises, extreme poverty and increasing social and religious tensions, this extremely dangerous foreign policy pursued by the West and its media is creating more terrorists, more victims, more refugees, more poverty and more destabilization – bringing the world ever closer to the brink of disaster.
There IS an Alternative
The time has come to counter this grave threat to humanity. Respect must be restored to the principles of sovereignty, self-determination and non-interventionism - and the adherence to international law must be paramount. Though most nations respect this, Russia and China are the major world powers that support the concept of Multipolarity, and act as a global counterbalance to Western hegemony. Whatever domestic issues they may have, their cooperative approach is supported by the majority of nations, by global alliances such as the Non-Aligned Movement, the G77 or the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization), and by the Latin American alliances (UNASUR, ALBA and CELAC).
Moreover, these Multipolar nations are providing alternatives to Western-controlled institutions and their neo-colonial practices. Their multilateral institutions and development projects such as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), the AIIB, and the massive “New Silk Road“ Eurasian development project are rooted in non-interventionism and mutual respect. In sharp contrast to Western trade deals, bilateral cooperation with these Multipolar nations is increasingly producing win-win outcomes for many developed and developing nations in Africa, Latin America, Asia, and Europe. In total, the majority of the world’s nations support a Multipolar approach to global affairs based on the principles of the U.N. Charter and the Declaration of Human Rights, which is why the West wants to derail it – it’s a threat to their global hegemony.
Therefore, all those who seek peace – be it nations, organizations, movements or individuals from all across the political, economic, social and cultural spectrum must stand together as one voice in support of Multipolarity. This voice must be amplified over the Western media spin by supporting truthful, Multipolar and independent media sources. This voice could be organized through major conferences into a coalition with initiatives, political positions, and a platform.
This Multipolar coalition should be mobilized into a force that can pressure the West into abandoning their destructive policies by directing their political and economic support toward nations that have pursued (or desire to pursue) a balanced policy of cooperation and diplomacy. Even as individuals, we can apply pressure by contacting government offices and media outlets en masse, altering our voting and spending habits to support proponents of Multipolarity, or finding creative ways to spread the word using art, music, film or literature. More than just a call for solidarity, this must be a political and grassroots force for positive change.
The Choice We All Face
Since the September 2015 U.N. General Assembly and the events that followed, two distinct forms of diplomacy have been on display for all to see, presenting the world with a choice: Do we want a Unipolar world in which Western wars dictate the world’s fate, or a Multipolar world where sovereign countries work together in an environment of peace, cooperation and mutual respect? It is clear that the global majority chooses the latter.
Therefore, WE, the global majority standing together in solidarity for peace through diplomacy, declare that:
We respect all nations‘ sovereignty and their right to self-determination. We believe that the future of ANY country must be decided by the citizens of that country alone, free from all external threats and interference, and that multinational conflicts should be resolved through political processes and diplomatic negotiations.
We support all nations that exercise a cooperative, multilateral approach to global affairs. The counterproductive and dangerous policy of unilateral military intervention is a violation of international law, and must be universally condemned.
We support nations and multinational coalitions that work determinedly to stop terrorism. Nations that directly or indirectly participate in the training, arming, funding and support of terrorist-linked extremist groups do so in violation of international law and must be condemned, and held accountable.
We condemn Western-oriented media outlets that demonize leaders or entire nations and religions, blatantly misrepresent the facts, and consciously present a biased, one-sided view of events. We applaud and strongly support global media that is fair and balanced, and that objectively reports on world events.
We commit to engage in, or support nonviolent efforts to promote global peace and tolerance for all peoples and all beliefs. Please sign, and/or widely disseminate this declaration and all like-minded efforts.
“NO to War… YES to a Multipolar World!“
* (added in March 2016) Though a ceasefire and another attempt at peace talks have been initiated, the West and its allies in the Middle East continue to undermine the process, inflaming the crisis through belligerent rhetoric, dangerous provocations and the flagrant disregard of international law. Does this make the world safer?
Critical Media, News and Initiatives here
Critical Media, News and Initiatives here